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myOtaku.com: darkeangel

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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JD Person (11/17/07)

hello my fellow Gundam fan, i always try to seek out other people who love the house Tomino built.
i always liked Duo, he is actually the character that got me to start watching anime.

i really hope to see you around.

♥ JD Person ♥

HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!

Kazukii (11/10/07)

Lol your site! ^__^
It looks nice.
The colors look cool :P
Lol yeah i've been busy with zeh layout.. XD Lol
well thanks for signing!


rainy days (11/09/07)

omfg you like have a kick asssss site...its realy koll...did you like draw those pics if you did than you are like a kick asss artest!!!!hehe well i hope that we can be friends!!!!!!!!!


emeraldsky (10/19/07)

Hiya there!

I like your site! Especially the menu bar...Oh the Green-ness! That sounded strange O_o Yeah, I'm a freak -_-' *awkward silence*............*ahem* Anyway...so I see you're an artist, and a very good one too. Yes, of course I didn't forget to check out your art X3 Um...wow...I don't usually make long guestbook signings like this O_O I seem talkative today...Eh....I'm gonna leave you alone now before I bore you to death or something O_o See you around!

GIDRA (10/17/07)

I came to thank U for GB sign.So it's no problem to me to sign yours.

Yup...there is no many Croatians here.I've met only one besides me.

I will add U....so O guess I'll see ya!

take care!


Roberto24 (09/21/07)


xDeathIsMyLifex (05/16/07)

hey! i hope you don't mind, but i added you as a friend. you look exactly like my brother and it is really creepy. but i could care less. ^-^ i like your site very much! hope to speak soon!
*salutes and dissapears*

Team Plasma N (05/16/07)

*appears out of the mist* Hey there sorry about this guestbook signing but I wanted to randomly sign guestbooks so I am a random ninja going around making sure everything is ok on the otaku...so far so good...lol anyway if you have a chance stop by my site and sign the guestbook I would appreciate it a lot! If you decide to add me I will add you only if you visit...cya! *does ninjitsu and disappears*

~Not Only Shall I protect Naruto, but all those on the otaku~

fobfob (05/14/07)

hey is that picture really you

Sasuke-sama x (05/14/07)

Hey nice site

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