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Tuesday, March 1, 2005

fun fun
it was snoiwin it mite snow more and you know what that means dont??

and i feel hyper!!!!!
in the car i was looking at the clouds and seein what they looked like i saw i fishy and a turtle and then the turtle went bye bye then it came back then i saw another turtle!!!
and i saw a dragon!!!
yup yup
i saw it!!!
i kept sayin on the way home "it's snowing.."

well um ok dum dum suckers rock!!!
i had some!!!
yum yum
yup yup
!!! !!!
bye bye

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Monday, February 28, 2005

bubble gum can possibly make u high!!!
hi my friend melissa gave me and a few other people sum gum and me amy felt like high after we had it first amy came up to me and said i feel weird and i'm seeing double, shehad her bubble gum in her mouth for longer than me and then after my next class i went up to her and said i feel high!!
and she said i think melissa did somethin to that gum!
and when i got home i was seeing double!! ^^ hee hee i thought it was funny!!
well uh lets see it didntsnow lat nite so we had to go to skool...i was hoping it would snow!!!
well have yall ever heard "Mr. Brightside by the killers?
i like it!!! ^^
well uh oh yea i got the latest shonen jump from amy havent re3ad one of those in a while!!
bye bye

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Sunday, February 27, 2005

well hi!!!
how r yall?

well i feel better!!
yesterday i went to sleep rather early...
then when i got up this mournin i felt good!!

i'm gonna go to my gma's later
well bye bye

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Saturday, February 26, 2005

well hihi
well...guess what ya know i been feelin good...well i got sick...i felt bad all day...but now i feel better...^^
well ummmm...i dint know what ta say...i went ta my aunts and helped her move in her knew house...
bye bye i guess

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Friday, February 25, 2005

hey ^^
well uh lets see !!
today was also a good day altho i had two tests!!
i made a 100 on one!!
i was drawin then all of a sudden my teacher comes and stands rite in front of me...i thought i was introuble for drawin...then she was tryin to move my hair out of my face which really freakled me out!! then she touched my cheek!?!?which also freaked me out!!then when she left i put myy hand on my cheek and she put had put a sticker on my cheelk cuz i made a 100!!!
well yea i was sorta hyper taday and well bye bye 4 now!!

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Thursday, February 24, 2005

well hi people!!
well i feel really good for some odd reason...
well my aunt got a new house sher recently got a devorce and its right across from her exstep daughters house but she still loves her all the same!!
well i'm goin over there over the weekend to help her move in!!
i'm sorta watchin my bro and a dog named Seeder!!
my bro's sick Seeder is my aunts dog she and my mom went to check out the house and get some dog food for guess who Seeder!!
so yea!!
i have 2 tests tommorow and i had one today!!
well for some reason i jus am happy i dont know why??
earlier i was craving fried rice with sausage and a iced lattae i dont know if i spelled that right and i have a biography project on Abrose Bierce he/she is a writer!!

bye bye ^^

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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

wasnt so horrible at first i felt like its skool ahhh...
then i felt all happy it was strange!!
how was ur day?

and i finished all my homework fastly and i read peach girl: change or heart 4 and 5 and i went through all my folders and crap and threw mess away!! sooo yay!!

i skateboarded with my lil bor again today and i fell and it hurt bad and i was sorta a bitch about twards him...

it hurt bad!!
anyway...we did our like highclasses signup mess today much easier than i thought!!

bye bye

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Sunday, February 20, 2005

i keep seeing this on the otaku what is it?
Notice: Query failed: Lost connection to MySQL server during query in /home/theotaku/public_html/global/classes/db_mysql_conn.php on line 39

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/theotaku/public_html/global/classes/db_mysql_result.php on line 30

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ok again...
well there was much tention in thee air earlier but now i feel great and i'm happy!! YAY!!

well bye bye

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well i dont have any thing ta say cuz well i'm bout ta leave and jus donet got nothin to say i dot even know y i'm postin i could do it later i'll go a head tho so yea!!
hi hi ^^
i'm goin to my grandma's taday!!
i usual do on sunday i dont go to church...do yall?
anyway welll bye bye talk more later!!

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