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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

ahhhh life is odd...thas not a bad thing tho but it can be confusing...

well...today was a mean!!

i dont know what to say because of confusion or lack of intellengence wow that was a big word...
sooo by i need to think...

bye bye

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Monday, March 21, 2005

well today most people went to some frield trip for people who got good grades i didnt do to well so i couldnt go i didnt mine tho!!
and most people werent in art so we did somethin random which was fun and i sat with will as always, i let him borrow some of CDs today he said he'll bring some that i can borrow!!
well as u mite of noticed i sorta like will...

i usual ride the bus but today i rode car!! which was good i miss riden car, i had thought my mom forgot me, it wouldnt be the first time someone forgot to pick me up but she didnt forget!!
^^ well i think i'll post one of my poems!! ^^

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Sunday, March 20, 2005

walk around
well the walk around thing was like a play different scenes in different places so u walk to each of them...it was odd but uh educational i guess. Amnnda, brittany (my step sisters) and me and marshall(a dude that goes to the church) we stayed together threw the walk around!
yup yup and i saw my cousin that goes to the church tho i dont hardly se'em...
we walked 3 miles 1 1/2 there and the same back...it was tirng and i was hungry but it was still fun!!!
i'm not sure of what else ta say...
uh um bye bye

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Saturday, March 19, 2005

well hi there people!!
i had fun yesterday on the art trip!!
there were paintings and scuptrours i think i spelled that wrong and our like guide dude was really cool!!
and i got to sit with will and samantha cuz i had ta move on the bus becuz the teachers thought i was uncomfrontable i was fine tho!!
but it was fun to talk ta em!

and today were goin to a thing at my step sisters church its called a walk around i'm not sure exzactly what for but i know ya walk!
yup yup and rite now i'm watchin "darkness falls" seen it?

bye bye

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Thursday, March 17, 2005

hi well today was k yesterday i felt sorta lonely not relly sad but lonely...o well...
well tommorow we're goin on an art trip that should be fun considerin it will take up like all of skool tommorow!!!
^^ YAY!!

and well other mess happen but i forgot what thas odd...
well nmot really odd i'm forget full....
and it was cold today!!
did u wear green?
i did but i would of any way all my other clothes r dirty... ishould go wash some...so i shall...
o well
well bye bye

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St. Patricks Day
wow i'm postin earluy this doesnt happen very often!!^^
well hey!!
dont forget ta wear green!!

and uh ii cant think of nothin ta say cuz its mournin...i'll post later to!!!

well bye bye

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

well hi
sooo today wasnt horrible...except will wasnt here today so i had no one to talk to during art whihc was boring...me and him sit rite next to what most call "preps"...well they dont to me and i dont mind that!!
well...we read a play in litature and i forhot my book i was glad i didnt have a part considering i didnt have a book...and we have to rite our on lil play sometime next week...i dont wanna tho...we have to perform imfront of our class...
o well i'll live...
let's see what else happen...uh um...i was sorta like blamk all day and i thought i was sorta mean...i didnt mean ta be...

o well...
ummm....bye bye cya and i may put a poem up here like tommorow not sure yet tho...

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Monday, March 14, 2005

well i'm glad theres no skool today!!

i was wonderin is it bad to be hapy when othersr sad not tht i'm happy cuz there sad i jus happen to be happy and they r sad...

o well anyway...i plan on doin much of nothin today!!
should be fun

well...how are yall?

bye bye

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Sunday, March 13, 2005

the weekend!!!
this weekend was fun i told yall where i went well we watch raise your voice and the grudge!!!
both good movies in my opinoin...i think they should make a the grude 2!!
and we watched this older movie called cry baby, its from like 1990 and johnny deep is in it he is so young in it like 18 or 20 or somethin (i like johnny deep)!!!!
well we song kareoke to i think thats how ya spell it i got my step sis to sing with me she said she wasnt last time she didnt but this time she diid!!!
the movie cry baby reminds me of grease there singing in it!!
well...i dont thuink yall care much huh?
well o well

nothin really more ta say i guess bye bye o yea i dont have skool tommmorow i dont no why but hey i dont have skool YAY YAY!!!
bye bye

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Saturday, March 12, 2005

Lets see
well lata we (me, brittany and amber) r goin to my aunts house!!
should be fun!!
she moved i think i told yall bout that!!
o well...this mournin we went to a wedding store (my mom'm gonna get married)!!
well...and uh um lets see not much ta say at the moment really...
soo bye bye

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