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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

well hey
well...this mournin i woke up layed on the couch not the one beside the computer but the other one yes we have 2 couches!!
and i was flipin through the channels and theres this anime on a movie channel its called "Patlabor the moblie police" ever seen it?

i fell asleep with gum in my mouth last nite whne i layed on the couch i found it it was on my shirt, i'm jus glad it didnt get in my hair!!
well what else shall i say i wanna paint that wall today its really brite outside!!
i doubt i'll get to though...

i dont really know what else to say so um...bye bye

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Monday, March 28, 2005

its rainin!!
in rainin!!

well yesterday, i thought it was goin to be bad, but it was actually good, i was sorta hyper when i got to my gmas!!
well how was yalls easters?

mine was ok as i jus said!! ^^

i was wonderin do yall have Gaiaonline?
i know some do well i do and if u wanna join go to www.gaiaonline.com
my user: whiteroses1705

well...its rainin!! and i should gotake a pill and guess whta those pills have done to me the made me get lil dots all on my hands i think i'm allergic!!

bye bye

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Sunday, March 27, 2005

i forgot all bout easter!!
well happy easter!!!

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i gots a fever
well when my mom got home i found out i had a fever cuz my face was red but i felt great i dont see how i could of had one!! ^^

i'm goin to my grandma's which i do every sunday, and o yea i wanted to say i have to grandma's i go to on sunday sometimes i go to both one is my future step gma , the other is my great gma!!
yup jus thought i'd share that with ya

i got all the blue ink off my hands, well theres still a lil bit on my hands but barely any!!

i didnt get to paint the wall cuz it didnt get warm...i'll try again on monday maybe...

uh i think thas bout it o yea and i jus took a pill!!

bye bye

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Saturday, March 26, 2005

somethin bout that dude monkeyman935
I dunno to beleive this but I do

state police warning for online: please read this very carefully...then send it out to all the people you kno. something like this is nothing to be takin casually. if a person with the screen name of monkeyman935 contacts you, do not reply. do not talk to this person. do not answer his/her instant messages or e-mail. whoever this person may be,he/she is a suspect for murder in for the death of 56 women(so far)contacted through the internet. please send this to all the women on ur buddy list and ask them to pass this on!!!!!!!!!!!!!send it to boys to so they will contact girls

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blue ink
well hey, its cold outside i hope it gets warmer there a piece of wall i want to paint it used to be in my bros room i've been wanting to paint it for some time!! should be fun...
i saw mew mew today i'd never seen it before til now, its good but theres somethin bout it i jus dont like and i dont know what it is...
o well
and theres blue ink all over my hands i picked up this pen then it started to bleed ink and now its on me but it's dry i washed it off...yup
well i found out yesterday i have strep throat...andi gots pills and there big and there pills!!!

do yall plan on doin anything special over yalls spring break?
i dont

well bye bye

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Friday, March 25, 2005

good mourning
well i woke up early this mournin, i guess because i'm used to goin to skool...
my throat hurts horrible!!

when i first woke up i was dizzy!!

well not much ta...but no skool!!!
i think this is gonna be boring...well maybe it want be o well i want know until its over will i?
was that confusing?
i'm jus goin on and on about nothin...well?
maybe i'll go and sleep or watch tv or eat breakfeast who knows...

bye bye

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Thursday, March 24, 2005

shiney stuff rox!!
well ummm nothin really happen today but it was better than the rest oof the week, i guess because it's because now its spring break!!!!

well...like i said today wasnt bad!!!thas good!!!

well...my friend sam wasnt at skool...i wish i knew y she said she wasnt and the day before she was bout ta cry, she cuts

well how r yall?

we finished our play we were riting!! i told yalll bout that rite?
well we (our group) had to write a skit thing...my group is annoying...not all of it jus this one dude!!! Urgh!!!

well bye bye

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

well today was bad at first....then it got better!!
which was good...but now i havwe to finish riting the play thing....

i was gonna go to church tonight but i had to stay home so i could finish it!!! and then i have to type it so i wont be goin to sites most likely unless some miracle happens and i saw will toay but the teacher moved him in art so we dont sit together anymore...

welll bye bye

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

one of my poems, i think i'm gonna change it some my friend said it seems like song lyrics, it doesnt have a title yet...
My hearts been shot by an arrow and it won't quit bleeding for you
I bandage it up but they just fall off
i've tryed to sew it up but it just won't work
I guess i should be with ou so my heart can heal for us

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