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myOtaku.com: Anime friend

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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OzymandiusJones (11/28/04)

Hey, thanks for the compliments! I like your site a lot. I shall now add you as a friend...and I love your avi!

Merik Ishida (11/27/04)

^-^ i like your site and your cute little piccie ^-^ i hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend ^-^
hope to see you around ^^

PS I'm REALLY REALLY glad your not a pervie i hate people like that ^-^ PM me sometime ^-^

C yas

Nevi (11/26/04)

Well hello!! I like your site!!!! ^_^ It's Kawaii! The Inuchibi avatar is super Kawaii!!!! (lol sounds lame.)
I am going to add u as a friend!
THANX for signing my GB!!!

mizuki (11/23/04)

hey, thanx fo signin my gb. shure ill b a friend, ill b addin u to my friend list too. i kno anime is awesome! ppl who dont kno wut it is is missing stuff from deir life.

Kadiri (11/22/04)

Hey, for someone new, you're doing really well. I love the Kagura background. Does that mean that you're an Inuyasha fan?
I'm still considered fairly new here, so I don't know much, but I guess we could try to help each other, right?
ps - added you as a friend.

chiithecutey (11/22/04)

well i see that you are pretty new to otaku...so i will sign you guest book...please do the same with mine...i like you site it is very interesting...*sigh*

Bunnywisk (11/21/04)

nice to meetcha. Thanks fer earlier and i like ur layout ^_^
wish i knew how to do html and crap, but im learning =P
i added u as a friend ^_^ take care

cyberhiei (11/21/04)

nice site^-^
thanks for visting my site
added you as a friend^_^
gotta go! bye!

animefan3939 (11/20/04)

I like your website!! Luv the background pic.. ^_^


BlackWingedAngel (11/20/04)

Hey there I really like your site its cool. Yeah Riku is the coolest! I like your bg its cool. Well ne ways come on over and check out my site sometime if ya like. Thanks bye :D


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