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Tuesday, February 8, 2005

this is bullsh*T!..im sorry..its my f*cking teacher in our SAD(system and analysis design)class..my friends and i werent happy because of the grade she gave us in our documentation..that hag!..is playing favoritism..we worked hard for that chapters 3 and 4..were the only group who got the low grade..f*ck!..

good thing i have my boyfriend beside me..i never thought we'd make it this long..duh!we've been dating only for 3 months now..its just that..everyday(aaahhh)..i dont wanna start talking sweet nothings..i just love him!there's still other things that i dunno 'bout him though..like i didnt know that he's a good basktball player..i watched him play with his friends..and his team won..points mostly he made..

i still dunno if i could make it to simple plan's concert..i think my mom cant see how serious i am to see them..i have to make plans..the mother of all plans!..to convince my mom..

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Monday, February 7, 2005

   Siiiimmpplllee Plaaaaaaannnn!!!!
i know i havent been around lately..actually a week and 3 days to be exact..and i apologize for that though i know some of you may not care..or not at all..

ive been very,very ,very busy(you cant imagine..)this february is one hell of a month!!i have lots of school work to do since next month will be our graduation..
BUT..i can forget about all these school stuff for SIMPLE PLAN!!!***screams***..OMG!!!
***still screaming***
Simple Plan is gonna be here in the philippines!!!Eeeeeeeee!!!that would be awesome..i have to save money though..i'll do anything..everything to attend their concert even if it takes letting my mom chaperone me..(eeww!)but i could care less as long as my bandmates Ahvic and Mira could make it too..and Marco of course..And im thinkin of giving the simple plan's manager our demo tape and see what he'll think of our music..and the next thing we know..we'll be touring with them and make it being the front act in one of their concerts!!!aaahhh!!!dream on..that is sooo New York Minute!!have you guys seen it??..well its crap!..im not a big fan of the Olsen twins..i only watched it because(of course..)of Simple Plan..

oh!i almost forgot about Avril Lavigne..she's with them..oh well..i hope i really could make it..i hated it when i missed Linkin Park's concert..i was so broke then..

by the way..i missed you all..^_^

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Friday, January 28, 2005

   grotsky little byotches!!!
my boyfriend and I were eating at the school canteen when i noticed this three girls(hhmm..) staring at my bf!!remember how i was disgusted about that dyke staring at my friend yesterday?..but this time i stayed cool..i let them drool over my guy,i know my bf is really hot(and i never realized this before!)..but when i saw one of them taking a picture of him..i was like..THATS IT!..enough..!my face is all red while Marco is grinning..he just gave me a hug and whispered to my ear.."im all yours.."..hah!how conceited can he get..i think inuyasha311 was right..im learning to love him..MORE.

and so im so inspired today that i decided to post anime sweethearts!!

usagi and mamoru

...today also..Ahvic brought a guitar and we had a jam session with our guy friend Marvin..who is also a guitarist..
..im kidded around and told them i should have brought my drumset too..so it was fun..we sang all day..

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Thursday, January 27, 2005

ok..enough of me talking about my boyfriend..

...we just got off from school..my friends and i went to Mcdonalds to chill..and then there's this girl..i mean tomboy..who is staring at my gayfriend Jayron..and she's laughing!wtf?was it her first time to see a gay?or is she laughing because my friend is gay?..i hate her,,because she's insulting my friend with her look..what i did is i gave her a you-want-to-get-your-ass-kick? look..byotch!i hate dykes!im sorry but i dont really like them..

i think i already post this pictures..but i like them so...

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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

   im a bad gf..
MARCO..my bf was at his friend's house..thats the reason why i didnt post yesterday..
his friend texted me and said that Marco was there ranting about his mom not calling him for about 2 weeks now..his mom whose working overseas..i asked him why he didnt tell me about it..he said he doesn't want to bother me with his problems anymore..im like "what am i here for?im your gf for crying out loud!"..then i remember that im planning to break up with him..i guess i wont!
i feel bad..so we make up and we ended making out..

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Monday, January 24, 2005

what do you know..were the first group to pass the chapter 3 of our thesis..we did good of course!credits to Mira..coz she did all the typing..

i dont understand myself..today..i didn't see my pycho bf today..yeah..i should be happy and just chilling..but him not showing up today bothers me..a lot!what could have happened to him?..my head is spinning..i hope he didnt kill his self..aarrgghh!..this is not good..i thought i want him out of my life but it seems like im not ready for that..

Hana and her brother

Amigas..Hana is sure prettier than tohru and Uo(no offense to tohru and Uo fan)

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Saturday, January 22, 2005

well..we just finished the chapter 3 of our thesis..it'll be ready for Monday..i hope our stupid teacher will like it.

yeah..this is my first boring post!..i mean the post that says im bored..well then welcome to boredomness..

i decided to post this song..see if anyone of you can guess what this song is..i love the lyrics..

Tell me what's wrong with society
When everywhere I look I see
Young girls dying to be on TV
Won't stop 'til they reach their dreams
Diet pills, surgery
Photoshop pictures in magazines
Telling them how they should be
It doesn't make sense to me
Is everybody going crazy?
Is anybody gonna save me?
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Tell me what's going on
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something is wrong

I guess things aren't how they used to be
There's no more normal families
Parents act like enemies
Making kids feel like it's World War III
No one cares
No ones there
I guess we're all just too damn busy
Money's our first priority

Is everybody going crazy?
Is anybody gonna save me?
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Tell me what's going on
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something is wrong

Is everybody going crazy?
Is everybody going crazy?

Tell me what's wrong with society
When everywhere I look I see
Rich guys driving big SUVs
While kids are starving in the streets
No one cares
No one likes to share
I guess life's unfair

Is everybody going crazy?
Is anybody gonna save me?
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Tell me what's going on
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something
Something is wrong

Is everybody going crazy?
Can anybody tell me what's going on
Tell me what's going on
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something is wrong

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Thursday, January 20, 2005

   i had a puppy..
monday night,my dad brought a puppy..she was sooo cute..so i named her shigura(female version of shigure)..BUT!my mom dont want her..she said no one would take care of her..i want to say i would but then i stopped coz she's right.im not always around the house.im always out and i dont think im ready to have a dog around..i mean,,i cant even take her poops!
so this morning,,my dad took her to his work and i dont know..maybe he gave it away to his co-workers..i felt sad coz..last night when we were talking about giving it away..i felt crying..i know it sounds corny but really..i did..
about school..oh!i know maybe y'all tired of me talking about school..ok what else?*thinking*how about..*thinking hard*
ok..got it..Hana-chan!im sure yukina will like this.
actually..im just gonna post pics of her..

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Monday, January 17, 2005

   sorry guys..
im so sorry coz i haven't been around here lately..
since im graduating..my schedules are really hectic!..like everyday..its school..school and school..i haven't been to everybody's site too and it sucks coz im missing everything!..
today..we just had our presentation about the 9 planets using the software powerpoint..and it was easy!i mean no sweat..the panellists are so lame..

and our house is a mess!i dnt like to go home now..its being renovated..the kitchen area.i dnt know what has gotten into my mom's mind..

well thats just it..i still need to do some school works for our thesis..

changed my avatar..hope y'all like it..

sorry yukina..im not always around..i'd love to but i just cant right now..love you always!

au revoir!

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Saturday, January 15, 2005

   i want to get rid off him!

ok..i went to my friend's house to do our project..its a presentation of the 9 planets using the software Powerpoint..i know..its lame..but we need to do it for us to graduate..
then my sort-of boyfriend came..aaahh!we didn't even invite him..i wanted to shut him out of the house..but i didn't!..i told him we were busy so thank God..he left..but not really..he has a friend who lives near my friend's house..he went off and took my phone..(very childish)..i told u he is a psycho freak!..if u dnt know what im talkin' about just read through my archives..
when he got back he showed me this:

he's in the middle..took this picture from my phone..and maybe you could tell me how im gonna kill him..!

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