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myOtaku.com: Yoko43

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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OhkaTheWhiteWolf (09/18/06)

Hi Nari!I forgot all this time to add you!Sorry!I'll add you now!^-^

KiKi 777352 (09/18/06)

hiya! I luv ur fanrt! so cute! Well thanx 4 the comment on the art/ GB! I'll add u as a friend! Laters!!


Hiko (09/15/06)

hey yoko i laughed so hard when i saw your fan art anywho i am adding you as a friend later

Darktouchofart (09/01/06)

Hi Yoko43 I like your art specialy"Dosu and Zaku".It's so cute.^_^~Darktouchofart~

death from gaara (09/01/06)

Nice site you should check mine out well haveta go so bye *death from gaara*

FMA NeWs (08/31/06)

Hey a new Otakuie, love the site, the theme is great, the green colors too! Stop by sometime and get into the great Anime of Fullmetal Alchemist. We have added you to our friends list, hope you add us too. Let us know if u ned any help with your site. Talk to you Later.

Edo & Laura
FMA News Team♣

MaxToThePower (08/31/06)

Hullo!! Yes, u can add me. I'll add you also. Have a good time on theOtaku!!!

Shireishou (08/31/06)

Welcome to MyOtaku. Hope U enjoy Ur time here. ^^
Woot. U able to drawing. I like to drawing too. But still learn. ^^

If U have any question about MO, just PM me. I'll try to help U if I can ^^

Btw, I'm bayu from Indonesia and I can't speak English well. Lol
Nice to meet U.

If U want to be my friends, just let me know. I'll add U. ^^

Ah yeah, would U be so kind to help to vote my site at Indonesian blogger awards 2006? U can read more information about it (how to vote) on my site (on MyBlog section-Announcement). I really feel helpfull if U want to help me. Every vote will make my change bigger to win that competition.
Thx a lot

Tsukasa.Yuki (08/31/06)

Hiya!! Nice To Meet Ya!! Sux That You Are Bored Tho, If Ya Want To Chat You Can Chat With Me! ^^
Anyway, Im Talking Too Much Here
Ta Ta For Now~

~Behold The World In All Its Glory.
Is My World.~

Sessy514 (08/31/06)

Nice site u have here. Keep up the good work. Hope to see ya at my site soon

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