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myOtaku.com: Yoko43

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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sasukes assasin (11/18/06)

hey ya nice site

nikabelar (11/06/06)

AWWWWW! Luv ur fanart! so kawaii~~~~
ur so good! i lyk ur site 2. wanna add u as fwend! hope u dont mind al all ^_^ hope u make more cute fanart!!! i'll be lookin' out 4 'em!!

sesshlover85 (11/03/06)

i totally love your avi. it's way cool. and your site is chill. i like your style. cya around sometime.


SephirothRokz12 (10/26/06)

Hey there! Thx for signin my GB! I love your site! I am addin ya! Pm me netime! Latr!^^ Oh and I LOOOOVE YOUR AVI! IT is HILARIOUS!!!^^


serpant (10/25/06)

Hi, nice site like the colors and stuff.
Keep up the good work, maybe I’ll see you
around the otaku.

Mali Wolf (10/24/06)

Hi!!! How are you?? I was looking at the fanart and I saw your Sakura of Naruto and I really like it, she's soo cute!!!! n_n And I decide to sign your gb. I like your background, I'm adding you as a friend, hope you sign my gb.
Well see ya later. Adios
Nice to meet you.

RikuisHOT (10/17/06)

Hey there! I love your site! I am addin u and I hope u do the same! Well chitchat l8ers BIES!


People come and people go,
But true freinds stay forever.

Forgiven Angel (10/16/06)

hello! i love yer site! who is that guy by itachi? i don't really watch the show much. hope we can be friends! talk to you later!

~F. Angel

kybeary (10/04/06)

Heyy! Nice site! I like it! And I absolutely LOVE your avi! It's really funny! Johnny Depp is really cool. I'm gonna add ya! Feel free to do the same. I hope we can be good friends! PM me anytime! Check out my site sometime! I like when I get comments on my stuff. ttyl!


grimreaper666 (09/25/06)

hey awesome site keep it up

O_O grimreaper666 O_O

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