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Monday, January 16, 2006

is anyone else's portfolio under maintenance?

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i feel SO bad and i'm SOOOOOOOOOO sorry! i couldn't get to everyone's sites. i went shopping. (i got some cool stuff, but that's beside the point.) then my friend came over right away, and my dad turned off the computer. yeah i turned it back on, but i couldn't type because i'd get him pissed off at me. O_o didn't want that. so it's 9:30 and my friend Lisa still sleeping. we were up until like2 wathcing the 2nd Inuyasha movie. we didn't pig out on ice cream, but we did have one giant bowleach.

G2G! don't want to be a bad host

Yami: *pops his head in* hosstess

Me: cupcake...! *laughs* (inside joke.... ^_~)

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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Ok. So here’s what pretty much happened on Yu-Gi-Oh! on Saturday.

The Pharaoh and Mahad were fighting Bakura and his Diabound. And it looked like Mahad was going to lose completely, but Mana summoned the Dark Magician Girl and saved him. 3 of the priests (Seto, Akeem, and Isis) went down to the cavern where Pharaoh Atemu and Bakura were dueling.
Akhenaden is walking and stumbling through Kul Elna on his own. He’s very weak and then some dark spirits try and attack him, but he is saved by Shada’s creature. The Millennium Key is now sensing something very dark that just up ahead. He leaves Akhenaden to check it out. He is led to another cavern. He clears away the darkness and he sees a giant stone slab before him. It is a picture of Diabound. Akhenaden appears right behind Shada and he puts all the pieces together. Diabound was formed out of the evil of the citizens of Kul Elna. When they were destroyed, they all merged together. Shada says that if they destroyed the stone slab, Diabound will fall and Egypt can be at piece again. But as soon as Shada gets ready to get rid of it, Akhenaden his him with a large brick saying, “I refuse for you to stand in the way of my son’s destiny.” Shada is put into the stone slab of Diabound by two sprits. He leaves the Millennium Key.
Back into the other cavern where the Shadow Game is taking place, everyone has a monster now, Atemu, Mana, and the 3 priests. The only got to him a few times since it seems that Diabound becomes more and more unstoppable.. Then Bakura talks to himself about having help from his newest servant.....

We then leave and we see Tristan, Joey, Yugi, Téa, and Bobosa up on a cliff. Tristan is the only one standing, since he isn’t tired. They’re all trying to keep up with Atemu and try to find his name. They discuss about how his memory was wiped clean, including his name. Tristan starts talking about what if the Pharaoh erased his memory on purpose, because his name was like a password to unlock some type of darkness. He seemed to know a lot about it. They all think about it, and head back to the palace with Tristan taking the lead and running the fastest.

Diabound was very strong, and getting stronger. He blocked a lot of the attacks, and was weakening everyone. Akeem was defeated and then Bakura got his Millennium Scales. Then Bakura used its powers to merge his Diabound and another monster he summoned together. Diabound was continuing to get more and more powerful. At this point, the Pharaoh gives up. He’s admitting defeat, and lets the sprits of Kul Elna to invade his soul. As the spirits enters, we see an image of the Pharaoh from when he was younger. He was clinging to his father the former pharaoh, Akhenamkhanen. But then Akhenamkhanen s spirit comes up and protects his son. He lets the spirits intrude his soul and leads them into a final resting, unfortunaly, him with them as well. Atemu thinks it’s unfair. But without the spirits of Kul Elna, Diabound weakens. And Mahad attacks with Dark Magic Attack. Shada comes out of the stone slab in the other cavern & Diabound is destroyed, Bakura is breathing hard, and the stone slab cracks, crumbles, and falls apart.

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   Last night
I talked to my friend last night, and the sleepover is moved today. So, I don’t know what the plan is. I watched FullMetal Alchemist last night too. It wasn’t as exciting as I thought it was going to be, but it was ok. But what I thought was cool is that 2 of my favorite songs are the beginning and ending theme songs!!!!! “Rewite” by the Asian Kung-Fu Generation and “My Will” by Sowelu! I love those songs.

Yami: she was jumping around and singing along. ^_^ I should had the video camera running

Me: Well, maybe. *starts signing Rewrite* buwahahaha....

Yami: O_o

Me: sorry, I’m a little hyper this morning. XD

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Nothing is going right this week! I think Aaron doesn’t know my name, I’m sick, I kept losing to my 8-year old cousin in Duel monsters, I fell off my scooter, I had no ice cream left, my dad ruined a good scene in a movie and didn’t care about me, I missed Naruto, and I don’t know what’s going on, and last, but most defiantly not least, my dad has done something with my progress sheets that go with this site.

Yami: not good not good NOT good.

Ya wanna know what the little progress sheets are? Well, I wanted to keep track of how may hit I’ve had on my site and my popularity rank and stuff like that. Well, I got to a point where I wanted to jot my “scores” in, but I couldn’t find the sheet. It’s always face-down in the little drawer by the computer that no one uses. My dad doesn’t know about The/MyO. He probably took it and wants to know more. What a jerk! It’s a little things called privacy. LOOK IT UP!!!! Yeah, it wasn’t in the best spot, but can’t he just leave it there? Apparently not! I think today will be mostly dedicated to looking for it. but what he doesn’t know is that I have some dirt on him. So now we’re even.

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Saturday, January 14, 2006

I can't get to anyone's sites today. i'm not even supposed to be on now. *evil laugh* BUWAHAHAHA! but if you updated on saturday, i will still comment! so i'll talk to you all tomorrow! (or today. depends on when you're reading this.) =P
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   Saturday, day 1 of a 3-day weekend!
Me: Hiya! I haven’t posted since Wednesday morning, so I have some stuff to talk about. But maybe I won’t. I wasn’t the best. I hope that your week was better then mine! Especially Friday the 13th with the full moon. O_o

Yami: *starts making creepy noises* o0oo0o0o0oo0

Me: ok...... anyway........ did anyone have bad luck yesterday???!?! I did! I thought, “Oh cool! Friday the 13 on a full moon1 maybe something ‘bad’ will happen to me! Like I’d be kidnapped but then I kick everyone’s butt! Awesome!” well, my little “Hollywood script” didn’t go as planned. What I mean by that is that I fell off my scooter!!!!! I was going to Lisa’s house and I fell. I wasn’t bleeding or anything...

Yami: thank Ra...

Me: ^^ but my knees got a little scraped and I got a bump on my head. And now I’m laughing about it!

Yami: even if it wasn’t so funny at the time.

Me: well, no it wasn’t. But the first word that I said after I fell I just yelled out, “SH*T!”
Oops. But I’m alight now, and now onto the rest of the week. ... ...

Wednesday: Still sick kinda! nothing Exciting happed that day. But I DID catch Aaron’s eye for a spilt second. (Hmmm....) it was a boring day.

Thursday: I noticed that Aaron’s not all that happy. I wonder why... but besides that, I got a C on my first Lord of the Flies test on chapters 1 and 2 in English. And I got a 94% on the Social Studies project on JFK. ^^ YAY!!!!! But Thursday was kind of when the days seemed to get worse. I don’t know what happened, but I felt really depressed, (and I‘ll talk about that later!)

Friday: SICK?! STILL?!?!?
in math, we went into the computer lab and I showed my friend Stefi how to make the computer talk. She made up the weirdest things like “the cake is flying and the pig is eating you. And you don’t know how to spit back at the grape.” OMG, I was crying I was trying to hold my laugh in so much! The voice was hilarious! Later, we had a mandatory “pep fest” at the end of the day. It was a video on peer pressure. Boy, do I know that subject inside and out. But I like the graphics and the music. (I kept signing along to all the songs I know!) But some of it was sad. Kinda weird at a pep feast. But w/e. it’s just the fact that I get all sad when people are talking about death. But I’m not in the mood to talk about it, though. On the bright side, it’s a three-day weekend and I fell flat on my face!

Yami: that’s the bright side?!

Me: well, not really. But I went to Lisa’s house, and watch most of Kiki’s Delivery Service in Japanese. ^^ Lisa said the beginning and ending theme songs were good and I thought they were kind of blan. Then I we watch Ghost Whisperer. That show rocks! But her dad started talking right in the middle of it and Lisa and I said, “SHHHHHHHH!!!!!” at the same time. Her dad tries to make people laugh, but doesn’t do a very good job at it. And Lisa’s always apologizing on how he talks to people forever about nothing. Weird. But I got pissed off because: I missed the first 5 min of Naruto, and I said I would tape it. But it was a rerun so I got REALLY mad,. I was going to eat the rest of my ice cream, but my dad the rest! So I just manly lit 8 scented candles and calmed down. With all my different personalities and all, Ummm....and that’s it.

Yami: you’re forgetting a day.

Me: what day?

Yami: today....

Me: OMG!!!!!! YU-GI-OH WAS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won’t say anything until tomorrow, for those who haven’t seen it yet because you taped it of whatever. But O...........M..........G............!!!!!!!!! I WAS JUST YELLING LIKE CRAZY! And it’s pretty normal for me. I had to get into it! it just leaves you hanging and all the battles and the duels and all the....EXCITMENT! it was a good episode that had you on the edge of your seat

Yami: or having your face being drawn to the TV if you were on the floor. ^_~

Me: yeah so? Lol. Just a question but, am I the only one who likes to put herself into someone else’s shoes???????? And is that stupid? If it is, oh well. I could go on and on, but I’ll stop now. ^_________^ *screams in her head* this is too much fun.

The plan for today: My friend may come over and we’ll pig out on ice cream watch re-runs of Inuyasha. ^^

THAT’S ALL. I GUESS. I know this post is messed up like all the rest. Forgive me! ^__^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Have a fun Saturday Everyone!

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

a virus .......... oh and
sorry i didn't get to everyone's site yesterday! my computer crashed. well, more like something popped up and there was a virus caught in the virus catcher thing. so i couldn'y get back on-line. sorry! i may get back today to visit people's site, but i'm noy sure. i'll try! ^^

anyone watch the Inuyasha episode yesterday? i did and i thought it was funny. heehee. i should of taped it!

Remember that guy that i liked and i thought he liked me back and all? well, my friend told me to not talk to him unless i had to. so we were in the kitchen yesterday, and when another girl from our group and i were getting the "groceries", Aaron (walter, w/e) walked up to us and handing me a tray. i looked up at him a but more and said thanks. but Aaron gave this look that made me freeze. an example would be on the 2nd Inuyasha movie. *double checks* yeah, the 2nd. and Kagome and Inu were at the campfire and Kagome was saying how she likes Inuyasha how he is as a half-demon, and he calles it stupid, then she yells out, "CAN'T YOU BE A LITTLE SERIOUS?" and that look that Inuyasha gave Kag, was the one that Aaron gave me. exactly. it was weird!

See ya sometime this week! (hopefully soon!)
*~*Yami (still sleeping! ^^) and Yamis Pharaohess*~*

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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

   ~To All Dueliests!!!~
in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, is there a card that can stop your oppenent from sacrificing their monsters?????

~Yamis Pharaohess~

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a poem I wrote

* *Night* *

The bright, pale bright moon rises over the horizon.
It dimly lights the earth.
I love sleeping under the pale moonlight.
Under the billions of stars.
They carry me away to the place of wild imagination.
It’s very clam,
And very quiet at night.
If you get the chance to away from it all.
All the street and house lights.
You can see the sky painted with stars.
Painted with complex galaxies and planets.
Even shooting stars.
There’s one now.
I made a wish.
I wished that every night was just like this one.

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