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Sunday, November 12, 2006

photoshop tutorials, and um... o.o I dunno?
so yeppers! I made some new photoshop tutorials, and I guess I'm taking a break from normal drawing! X3 oh well... I do have some that I was working on, and think they are gonna rock when I'm done with them. Expect one of them to be the fox masked guy! lol
OH! and Tim the guy who makes "One of those days" comics said that he'll try to have a new one up Tuesday

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Friday, November 10, 2006

yay for photoshop tutorials!
>O> woot! so I made some photoshop tutorials, and people seem to like it! (even though some of them was learned via other tutorials I read online) >o>" and...umm.. sorry for those that lack photoshop or use other computer programs... anyways...

Since I'm doing tutorials, might as well ask what kind peoples wants to see next.
o.O oh and sage, yeeeah.. I do have photoshop 5, but the darn thing keeps crashing on me before it finishes even loading! no idea why... anyways, in other news... ;_; oh noes! I can't think of anything to draw! <_<'.... eh... I'll come up with somthing... *looks at comments from last post*

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Thursday, November 9, 2006

yay for .... I dunno... drawings? lol
okay, so I'm in a good mood... and since I don't do enough requests around here (mostly because the request actually has to motivate me to draw it) I'm talking them now... o.O no guarintees that I'll do it, or it gets done right away, but you can at least pitch the idea and I dunno... >>" I might do it... lol wow... >p>" makes me sound alittle jerkish don't you think? "yeah.. tell me what you want and I MIGHT do it"

Oh yeah and on a side note: ^0^ I uploaded a photoshop tutorial today explaining how to make sparkles! o.o' hope someone finds it helpful...

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Tuesday, November 7, 2006

500th posted!
Still can't get over that fact-- 500 already. I'm glad I don't use paper.... I would have killed an intire forest by now.

In other news- >.> if no one knows yet, there was a new SSBB trailer out showing new gameplay n' whatnots. I was drooling during that time. Also, Nintendo says that there's another secret about the Wii that they haven't completly revealed yet and will do so at launch.

Okay so yesterday, my internet was down. >_>" I was lucky to get my drawings in yesterday morning... So I ended up replaying windwaker. o.O Link in his normal blue clothes makes it seem like I'm not playing a zelda game to me... or at least a completely different Link all together. >> what a change in clothes won't do... lol

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Sunday, November 5, 2006

woo... >o> I'm almost there!
I've colored my 500th drawing-- it's done.. x_x' and it's rather big... lol >>" seriously.. nearly locked up photoshop....maan.. still can't belive I'm up to my 500th drawing... I'm gonna upload at least two drawings tomarrow... >p> both of which I think sage will like alots, even if one of them was made out of bordom.

Still not sure what to draw next though... >.>' and I'm not really up to taking requests, since I have this tendancy to take an uber long time to get requests done, unless I really have a good drive for it.

In other news: x_x' gaah! my sister (cloud; aka sesshomaru09 to some of you) invited two of her friends over and omg if that wasn't a mess! <<" if they weren't getting into things in my closet, they were proding and pokeing things that were mine. I had to completely turn off the computer in some kinda attempt to keep them off it. >>" and I think one of them broke my bed... not sure... bed looks fine, but it made a nice "CRACK" sound when one of them jumped onto it... T_T' guh... why must I be tormented whenever she has friends over...

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Thursday, November 2, 2006

x_x gah! nearly 500 drawings!
I can't belive I'm already 10 uploads away from getting to my 500th drawing! X_X 500th?! What am I gonna do for the 500th drawing?! >-> guh... I'll think of somthing....
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Quick question:
Is anyone up for another contest by me, or is everyone kinda busy with their own junk right now?

<,< not like I have anything planed or anything, just asking....

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Monday, October 30, 2006

>> and I'll probably do what I've been doing for the past 2-3 years... sit around, snack on some candy from our own bowl, n' wonder if my sibbling is gonna go so I can snack on her candy too... lol >O> CANDY R GUD!

lets see... in other news I did make some new drawings, but I'm not gonna upload them right now for you see, I am teh sleeperz at the moment. -_-' my sleep cycle has somehow been messed up, and now I sleep at strange time periods-- what is this "morning" that I have started to wake up in? >> when was there a 7AM? I am unfamiliar with this since my usual wakeups are more like noon...

So yeah... >.> that's it for now... I must sleep.
Edit: Oh yeah and THANKS EVERYONE for over 1000 views and 114 GB Signings! ^^ I feel popular or somthing!

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

cloud's radio station (>-.-)>
okay, so a few days ago I mintioned cloud has her own radio show-- well... she's actually DJing music, and making cute comments here 7.7 it's from her own music collection, with alittle bit o' everything. Mostly rock like Green Day. <,< I know she's got some of my anime/j-pop/techno stuffs, so yeah.. The radio doesn't play all the time, but she says that she gets weeknights, and apparentally random occasions.
request songs here at the chat thing, and yeah.. >.> right now, she's on the radio, and wants peoples to listen. X_X omg I'm doing the cheap ads thing again! lol
oh yeah... btw, it's live >p>'

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Friday, October 27, 2006

*sigh* okay......
well, today's been kinda "blah" mostly because of the weather. Also, my tablet's on the fritz again... not as bad as it used to be, but the eraser end has stopped responding some, and every now and than the tablet itself will stop responding and the lil' light comes off for a second. Meh, it still works n' stuff, just having some problems... <<" may need to see if it's not the USB port since well... it has been kinda broken for awhile... still works, just gotta be careful with it.
Gotta few other things goin' on right now, kinda preoccupied with right now.. >p> drawings maybe scarce.

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