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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Hey Guys
So I guess I have a new roomate. She's a nightmare too. So far, she's had about 4 litres of alcohol in the room. Then she went to some party and left the alcohol out too. Yay.

Am I a "tattle-tail" (as she called me) for reporting her? I mean, the RA does random checks often and there is a zero-tolerance rule. Which would mean if my room was searched, both of us would be expelled.

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Friday, January 6, 2006

Hey look I'm updating!
So I am updating within three weeks of my last update. Go me.
School starts next wednesday, I believe so I shall be busy again. Maybe this semester I'll be a little freer to surf the net.
Anyway so today is my psuedo twin's Birthday, which would also make it mine. So happy 19th.
Umm let's see. Everything was cool up at my dad's. It snowed about 13 inches one day, but that's no big deal really. I got a lot of Betty Boop things, which is awesome. She's one classy whore. ::wink:: What else, OOH I got a ton of tea and hot chocolate, I don't think I'll need to buy anymore for at least a year. :)

Anyway I hope everyone had nice holidays, and all that jazz.

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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Once again, I'm not keeping up with this thing... I hate that, but I'm busy I guess.

So, happy holidays everyone. I'm off to my dad's tomorrow so I shall be MIA once again.

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Thursday, November 10, 2005

I haven't updated in a while. I feel bad...

Hrmm, so not much has been happening lately. Just homework. I love college, no more busy work! Hrmm I really don't have much to talk about, so how's everyone been? Lemme know!

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Thursday, September 22, 2005

I hate Rita
So last night I went to a mandatory study skills class. And the teacher didn't show up... and then her TA comes in and says she's going to be teaching the class, and then proceeds to tell us that all classes were canceled for Thursday and Friday. Now, being the thinker I am, I remember how the RA told us that we have to sleep in the hallways starting Thursday (today) to keep us away from the windows. Then I remember that the government was shutting down all of the roads both into and out of the area. Hrmmm. Since no one tells us why, and I hadn't been able to watch the news yesterday, I decided to make my trip a few days early to get the hell out of there. About half an hour after I left I heard Rita upgraded to a 5 and was moving faster than anticipated. Oh yeah, and that all the evacuees from Houston and Galveston will be staying on campus... 80 buses worth. I don't know where they're going to go either. Huntsville's going to get hit by this... I have an inkling.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Thank you Gray Underpants!
::looks at title:: You're awesome.
So this is the end of the third week of school (we started on a Wednesday) and my room mate has been kicked out of the honors program, which means I now have the room to myself. I think I'll post my livejournal entry here. Keep in mind that this happened on Thursday:

09:59 pm - ...
I'm not allowed to go into my room.

So I almost got into a fight with my roommate. Yeah, she thought it would be a good idea to put a used tampon applicator in my bed. My suitemates told me about it, so I checked. Yeah it was there. So I went to go get the RA, and filed the report and everything. She freaking lied. "I don't know how that got there." Then when she was asked who it belonged to she said "That would be mine." Hrmm. Now let's think here. If you've already been kicked out, and you're packing, why would I have put YOUR tampon in MY bed? Honestly. I can't get you into anymore trouble. You've done that for yourself. So then the RM comes because the RA calls him and tells him Cassandra was involved in another incident.

Do you realize how sad it is that my RA's boss is only over here when we have a problem with her, that he knows my name, and that he knows exactly which room is mine?

So then I go back into my room to get my Sin City DVD because I was going to watch it with Valerie. Valerie started to goof off, and then we left. As soon as we close the door, she starts to make fun of Valerie, and as I'm still shaking and barely talking I fling the door open again and tell her that "being a bitch gets you nowhere in life." Her response you ask? "You would know." So then Val flies off the handle and curses Cassandra in Japanese, breaks her(val's) keychains, and kicks her bed. Now Darren hadn't left yet. So he comes back and tells me not to go into my room until she leaves. And then tells her that she'd better get out as fast as possible. Then she goes back and starts 'packing' again (and there are quotes becuase she was fucking some guy that introduced himself as "boyfriend number whatever"). Darren then turns back to me and tells me to watch my stuff. Now it's kind of hard to do that if I can't go into my room. This all happend around 7:30, and I'm STILL shaking I'm so pissed off.

I'm tired, I have a class at 8 tomorrow,and I havent gotten to shower, or change as all of my stuff is in my room. Meanwhile, my RA is basically babysitting me, and she said that if I need anything in my room, I should have her come with.

What a fucking night.

::end of LJ entry::

Now, if you're confused, the reason she was getting kicked out was because of the bong, sword, and lit candles I found in the room one day. Sorry, but if they run checks and that stuff hadn't been reported, I would have been fined AND been kicked out with her. Then when she finished moving out, she decided to throw the clothes hangers she left her on the floor and slam the door (Friday).

Five PM on Friday was her cutoff to have everything out or she would be fined again, so she came back on Monday telling the RA that she left a DVD in my room. Nevermiond the fact that I had to clean the room, and I moved all of the furniture, never once seeing a DVD. So now there is a strange disc in my room, that I'm guessing she left here.

That was long. If you didn't read it all, oh well. But if you did thanks.

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Monday, August 22, 2005

...I'm ranting today,
I hate my roommate. She's pushy, full of herself, and she's rude to my friends. She helps herself to my things, and never stops talking. Not only that, but every other word out of her mouth is a curse word, and she's keeps telling me she needs to go to a graveyard to perform a spell, which creeps me out because I was raised to never invoke any sort of spirits(being Native American and all). Then of course there's the whole Nymphomaniac thing she has going on. School hasn't even started and she's had a guy in here after hours. Thank God the lights were out, I don't think I could have handled being in the room with them on.

on the bright side
I met my History Professor, she's really cool. She's so into History, and she told me that we're going to see a civil war reenactment at a plantation, learn how to bake in a dutch oven, shoot black powder rifles, and watch a lot of movies. It's going to be so much fun.

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Friday, August 19, 2005

You don't really have to read this, I'm more complaining than anything.
Well, tomorrow I'm off to college.
I'm not really looking forward to it at all. I have to re-learn how to study, because I actually haven't done that since fifth grade, and I don't really care for any of the people I met when I went to orientation.

I better pack.

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

So decent suspense/horror flicks are few and far between, right? Soooo right. But I saw Skeleton Key and it is awesome. Jason and I spent the whole time thinking we knew what was happening, and we were so wrong. Not only that, but it messes with your head. Trés well done.

I put up a couple of wallpapers. check 'em out.

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Saturday, August 6, 2005

I have decided I no longer know how to spell.
::points at subject:: Yes and I hate it.

With regard to GrayUnderpants' question: Johnny Depp's acting is incredible. While he does only have small lines, Johnny's version of Wonka is a reserved and softspoken character- so it fits perfectly.

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