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Friday, April 27, 2007

OMG an update!
I'm so bored. I can't wait for summer school.

Other news:

After Isaac left, our friend Jon came over, as it was ShadowRun night. He proceeded to stare at my breasts- openly, and then tried to give me a massage, which quickly turned into trying to feel me up. The whole time I'm telling him to quit, that it's highly inappropriate for him to be acting like this, and that I'm not interested in him.
I finally manage to get Austin( my roommate) to call me because he was at work. So I take the call and leave. I went next door to Chris' apartment and told him that they were playing ShadowRun at his place and that he needed to get Jon away from me. He promptly told Jon that the game was being played in his place.

Later that night Jon came back to get some books, and ask me out.
THEN the next day he tells me that he "can't believe we were interrupted."


I wish things weren't stressful. I keep telling him that I'm not interested in him, that I have a boyfriend, and that it's highly inappropriate for him to be acting that way. So his response is to ask me to go to his place.

"No, thank you. This whole thing is disrespectful to Isaac, Michelle, and me. Stop it."
He still hasn't stopped, so I'm locked in my apartment because he thinks I'm gone for the day, and Austin is at work.

Isaac is extremely upset, because he can't get down here- he doesn't have a car, is starting a job, and he's three-four hours away.
I'm actually having a really hard time with this. Because as soon as Isaac left, EVERYONE in the group started doing this. The only ones who haven't are Chris and Austin. Matt hasn't either, but he knows better than to talk to me. I'm starting to have nightmares about being raped and molested. And I've never had to lock the door during the day before. It's really scaring me.

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Ah when life hands you lemons
So I got the news on Wednesday. Isaac is leaving today. He moved in last Thursday (Apr. 12), and now he's leaving today.

I came back on friday thinking I could at least get the weekend with him, but we ended up doing other things with people: demolishing walls, celebrating a birthday, and of course my friends set up a LAN. out of this whole weekend, I got about 3 hours with him to myself.

I'm sorry if I'm whining, I was just kind of hoping to spend a little more time with him.

The only good thing to come out of this is the fact that I have three definite poems floating in my head. The bad thing is that means I'm depressed. Yay for creativity being my only outlet.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I have wings!!! will post pics when I have a camera. >.>

Yeah that's about it. Oh, and Izzy moved in, and we got a cat.

Yeah that's it.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Man, I'm so out of it.
Back in Texas again. I've been reading and cleaning. Coraline is great, and Neverwhere is even better. Both are by my favorite author Neil Gaiman. Check him out. Everything he writes is a perfect balance of mysticism and reality. A surrealist paradise of sorts.
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Thursday, March 22, 2007

I'm back in texas, and have been for about a week
YAY! heat!

yeah, really not much to say. I reapplied to school, but still no news. and I'm gonna go finish making lasanga now.

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

hace frio
It's cold outside.
On Wednesday it was sixty. on Friday it was snowing, and now we're under 16 inches of it.

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Friday, February 2, 2007

Yet Another Round of Sucking
I had to resign from school on Wednesday. My Dad is coming to get me on Tuesday. And I'm getting tested for who knows how many things.

I can't make it to school because of all the physical pain I've been in lately, and I have outrageous dizzy spells, constant nausea. I'd rather take a semester off to find out what's wrong and treat it, than fail becuase I've missed too much school.

Thanks Darke, you're the best. I'll see you around!

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Today was quite sucktastic.

Matt and I broke up; he's so depressed and stressed out about family issues that he's not sleeping. He barely acts human anymore. I really wanted to be there for him, but I know I was just another factor for all of his stress.

So we broke up. I told him I knew he had a lot of stress in his life, and I didn't want to add to it, and he said himself that he just simply doesn't have the capacity for a relationship atm so he wanted a break. And that was that. I got the "listen, you're special, and one of my best friends" speech. Then we left the coffee house. When I looked back at him, he was crying.

I've been hurt before, but never felt my heart break like that.

I want this pain to stop. I know it won't for a long time, but I want it to stop.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

ho hum
Weekend was... alright. let's leave it at that.

Wrote a poem today I think I shall post. I need help with a title.

There isn’t a single cliché
in all of humanity’s great vocabulary
that could ever come close to describing you

Like frozen smoke
some ethereal web
is this reality or some surrealist vision?
Melting clocks have nothing on this

So tell me, my little spider
did you weave this tapestry
this threaded fable?
Are you Arachne’s long lost son?

Some trick is played though there is no illusion
it’s almost a miracle, but something tells me you’re magical
what is the secret?
Could it be that you’re Houdini?

Better to pray in the rain
than to beg in the sunlight
I’ll never find one, even if I search through eternity

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Friday, January 12, 2007

I am SO excited.
After all of the problems we had with getting together over the break, we finally have a solution:

Matt is spending the weekend with me. THE WHOLE WEEKEND.

I am so excited. :D YAY

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