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Friday, November 17, 2006

Day 2: Intensity

Ok, so now I've played over half of Sonic's Story about 40% of Silver's, and the opening for Shadow.

The graphical problems I saw were merely some shadow problems (he's always a prob isn't he? j/k). Supposedly they'll be fixed if I get a bigger/better TV.

The loading screens can become tolerable if you play enough.

Now, onto new stuff. My opinion hasn't changed so far on Sonic, very flashy, getting better at controlling and stuff. The more I play the less the problems are problematic. Silver's psychokinesis is an interesting twist. He's a slow mover though so it's hard to evade stuff. But catching missiles with your mind and flinging them back?! That's awsm! Blaze is still a cool character and is the main side in Silver's story so far.

Another good point.. Shadow may actually be cool again in this game. The emo-sadist-evil Shadow seems to be gone for now.. but I've only seen the first bit of the story so that could be premature.

Well that's all for now.. got a lot of work to do if I'm gonna completely beat the game. Also I'm busy with the X-wing vs TIE fighter Week of War 100 this week.. so that doubles my "lack-of-wallpaper-making" time. Until later!


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An example of futility

Ok, nothing new is coming for a bit now...

Sonic the Hedgehog arrived at my house yesterday! Game came in two days after it was released (talk about fast for regular shipping prices!).

So anyway, after having played it for a bit here's my current view point on the game:

1) Cinematics - Really cool, the major cinematics are really well done (high quality of course). Unfortunately the dialogue and voice leaves a lot to be desired and the game hasn't used very many of the super-quality cinematics yet.

2) Flashy - The game is very flashy, cool moves, cool effects, cool robots. Unfortunately this could be a very bad thing. See the control isn't as sharp as it is in earlier Sonic games. It'll take some getting used to but I think it should work out.

3) The #1 problem! - I don't care who you are... Sonic levels should be smooth flowing, going from one style of speed-induced euphoria (that sounded more drug related than I meant it to) to the next... There is no reason to have 2-4 loading screens in the middle of a level! I'm serious.. there's a loading screen to read the info for the mission, there's a loading screen for the mission, then there's a loading screen to come back. In a full action stage there is a loading screen for every change in game style... if you start out boarding you have to go to a loading screen to go back to running. Major bad move.

Overall, I like the game so far. The loading screens are annoying but the game is worth playing at least this far. (Btw, do not expect anything from Silver's voice actor... this is worse than Jet... he really should have just kept his mouth shut). Loading screens and voices are the most annoying thing in this game.


Edit: Based on the comment I'm gonna amend a previous statement... I'm talking about the new Sonic the Hedgehog game here... Shadow was discussed much earlier. The above review is about the new Sonci game that came out Tuesday.

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

An internal struggle, physically

I had a rather interesting experience today. A war was waged within myself to put it in an extreme style statement.

A yellow jacket landed on my head... without realizing what it was I reached to brush it off. That's when it stung my finger. Now, I've been stung before. A bee got me at the base of my skull once (interesting story... but I'll save it for later, needless to say I drove 10 miles right after that). Yellow jacket stings hurt worse than bees... and they leave their mark too. Almost a bite-like mark that bleeds if you add pressure (not a lot but oh well).

Anyway, I could feel the venom moving down my hand, burning like a fire in my veins (an amazing feeling really). I temporarily cut off circulation to my hand. This stopped all pain and allowed my body to fight the venom for a little bit. After the pain had been gone for a bit I let go and allowed blood to flow. Then the pain was beneath my wrist. I felt it moving, rapidly, across my forearm. The burning was slightly less at each point but it felt interesting. My body finally neutralized all the venom right before it passed my elbow.

Really, a very different feeling from bee stings. There was almost no swelling.. it was like a group of assassins was attempting to reach my heart. Fortunately my internal defenses protected em to the fullest and I'm none the worse for wear. The whole ordeal actually took only a few minutes (the venom was quick... but I was quicker).

Anyway, I wouldn't recommend going out and getting stung by a Yellow Jacket on purpose... but if you do, think about it. At least get some sensation other than pain out of it and learn something. That's what makes the world interesting; lookign beyodn what one's first reaction is or should be.


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Monday, November 13, 2006

Ack, evil...

First off, I have nothing new for people who visit this site at the moment... This will be remedied when I can. At the moment I'm busy working on some voice acting for a fan movie (I'll provide a link when it's finished or something). Things are going well on that but I'm not sure I'm doing the best I possibly can. (I sound awsm in my head but when it comes out I sound apathetic.... I wonder things about this).

All that aside... I recently purchased something I wish had been more expensive than the PS3 so I would've bought a PS3 instead... Yes, I got an Xbox 360... why you ask? "Sonic the Hedgehog!" The new game looks awsm... so I picked one up. The game comes out tomorrow, but I won't get it until next week probably (due to the fact that I pre-ordered and it takes time to mail). But in teh meantime I purchased "Shadow the Hedgehog." So maybe if the new Sonic game is good enough the evil will be blotted out.

On that note... Shadow the Hedgehog... if you're not a major Shadow fan or a Sonic fan do not buy/rent this game. Really it's a waste of time. The game proves he's much weaker than Sonic. He doesn't handle as well (idiot can't pull a hairpin turn so he slams into walls and enemies, that's what he gets for negating traction with hover shoes!). The storylines, (yes plural... all are about Shadow but it changes) aren't great at all. I've finished the full hero version and the normal straight path version and niether was that great. So really, don't waste your money (I didn't... I got it for free, lol).


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Wednesday, November 8, 2006


Ok, so apparently updating every day isn't the key to acquiring patronage, hehe. Mayhap the problem lies with my wallpapers? Sadly tho... as much as I like my new style (as evidenced by my third wallpaper in this style) it apparently isn't as gripping as some of the stuff I have done.

Well I hope to be able to visit more people soon... alas that I had broadband for that would make things simpler. Enough excuses though. I must be off, for there are things to take care of!


"For Great Justice!"

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Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Victory is mine Dragon!

Yes, I did finish Panzer Dragoon. First attempt on the final boos too (had some odd trouble with Episode 6 this time.. but then again the enemies in that level are crazy). My battle strategy and acute sense of dragon piloting skillz won the day versus evil! When all was said and done, my overall accuracy was over 90% and I was awarded the rank of Dragoon! That's fancy flying (btw, I only found out how to change the difficulty level after I beat it, lol. So no easy for me).

So, additionally I created another wallpaper in my new style. While it' snot as great as the Sonic one it's still pretty cool in my opinion.

You can look at it and gape in awe/horror/amazement/disinterest here.

Anyway, this week looks to be rather average. Maybe I can get some new college apps put together and my scholarship app finished. If all goes well I'll get some more money and maybe be able to head to a large university for Electrical engineering / computer science. Who knows?


My Kenshin Manga now reaches 1-12, 18-20... still so many to go.
Buso Renkin does not seem to have come out with a new manga yet... nor has Eureka 7.

I'm beginning to worry about my subscription to the Sonic comic as well... Hastings has it and I don't yet... who's slipped up this time?

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Monday, November 6, 2006


I reached the final boss of Panzer Dragoon... just as I seemed to discover the bosses weakness he whacked me with his tail, dropped the last 4th of my health on my last life and I was out. Next time I shall pwn his massive dragon tail like it needs to be 0wn3d!

I'm getting better at NiGHTS... I read some more info on it (since I lack a manual) that's increased my abilities.. now just to play until I take it down (or lose my save).

Also, I finally finished my wallpaper! Take a look here!

Physics class has been canceled for the week (just as some of the topics were getting relatively [<-- what a pun!] interesting). So I don't have that class until next monday... when they'll hopefully have gotten us a new instructor.

Oh yes.. for those who did not know... I did finally beat Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones! My characters were uber awsm by the end too! Sadly.. this final boss compared very poorly to that of Fire Emblem (originally known as "Fire Emblem Rekka No Ken). Still, the gameplay is mostly fun... story is kinda sad though.

Well I hope to do more ASAP! Maybe I'll make an MV soon as well. Which reminds me... I got a new hard drive! 320GB of space (which translates into 298 of actual space). Total space on my computer is now 404GB. Between that and my laptop I have 441 GB of space. Plenty of room for storing and editing video. It's amazing.. I've moved over half of my original hard drive and didn't even take up a fourth of my new hard drive.

Well that's all until next time. Godspeed!


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Sunday, November 5, 2006

I'm not dead!! (again)

Ok, I'm not gonna say I've been busy... I've only been busy this past week. However, I have been sort of gone recently.

Most recently I've been caught up in things. My older bro effectively killed his computer. I got everything back to rights as best could be done under the circumstances... then that weekend I went and fail ed the A+ OS test (again... why can't I get it?!). I've got one more try though...

The most recent block to making a wallpaper... I found the missile button on Panzer Dragoon for my Saturn! Plus I got NiGHTS finally! After over a decade I have the game! Cult classic yes, difficult to learn in the first two seconds without a manual, yes. Really wreaks havoc with your thumb without the analog stick, yes.... but that's ok 'cause the game is fun!

Anyway, I plan to make a wallpaper and visit people's sites again soon.. for now I need to get some other stuff done... thanks for not giving up on me those who haven't!


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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Got it!

Sorry, I was gone yesterday. But I did manage to get that SPC ending wallpaper I wanted to do. Maybe some day when I can get higher quality images I can do better... (or if I just increase my skillz)... but for now, this works.

You can check it out Here! I may not be doing massive sentences with this little bit of easy code.. but I still think these text links are awsm!

Also, pre-reserves for the Nintendo Revolution started yesterday morning... The closest Gamestop is an hour away from my house... so I headed in (got to leave class waaay early, haha!) got there about an horu to an hour and a half after opening... every Revolution in the city was already sold (the pre-reserves anyway). Come to find out a possible reason why. Dunno how many Revs the city got but they are only being allowed 50 PS3s sooo.....

Yeh, anyway, they went quick. I think if I'd moved straight from class and gotten there 30 minutes after opening I might have gotten one.. but oh well.


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Thursday, October 12, 2006


Yes! I finished watching all of Samurai Pizza Cats! The ending was amazing! Brilliant! Heartwarming! Awsm! So intense that even the few corny jokes didn't mess with it enbough to spoil it!

But since I don't have the images I need to make a wallpaper for that final fight scene... Here is the awsm fight scene from Sonic # 50 Director's Cut! My unofficial wallpaper! THE Best fight scene and storyline in the entire comic series! My favorite set of four comics... and that's the climactic battle! The most important part compressed into two pages!

All that aside... tomorrow I aim to go into town and pre-reserve a Revolution (against my better judgement.. but I need it to play Zelda!). Yes, I do know the new name but I refuse to call it that.

So all this aside... I'm around half-way through this semester already... jsut a semester and a half more and that degree is mine! Then on to more! Anyway.. my enthusiasm is ruining my typing ability... so I'll try and talk more later!


"It slices, it dices, it makes the bad guys pay the prices!"

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