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myOtaku.com: shippolover

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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EscaladeAngel000 (07/23/04)

hey hilary.. i love ur site b/c i love pink pleez visit my site... and i will also add u as a friend... oh and also pleez sign my GB***

~*Love EscaladeAngel000*~

destinedvampire (07/21/04)

hey there! ^_^ im glad you liked my miroku piccy, and thank u x 1000 for addin me as a friend! =D i liketh your webpage, although..too much pink >< lol pink scares meh. =p well im adding you as a friend too, i hope you get some fan art up soon!

Arwen17 (07/17/04)

thanks for signing my GB adding you as a friend

kikyofreak (07/16/04)

hi i am kikyo freak actually i'm shippo lover but wat ever hi!!!!

Escher (07/14/04)

thanks for looking at my site. I like your 2! i will add you as a friend as well. later^_^

2lovinuyasha (07/10/04)

Cute site come see mine sometime. looking forward in seeing your art. Can I add u as my friend^_^

princesskagome05 (07/04/04)

Hi there. Thanx for signing my GB and my comment. I like ur site too. Luv the colors. U r my new friend! ^__^


Hisui (07/02/04)

Hey, nice site. I like your colors. Anyways, I really like Inuyasha too. My favorite character is Miroku. ^_^

SessyAndShiruri04 (07/01/04)

its great its hard to find people who like shippo hes great^_^ but my favorite characters are kikyo and sesshoumaru. keep up the good work!
p.s i added you as a friend
-shiruri/ or some call me kikyo

shippo gal (06/29/04)

Hi! I clicked on Random member and you showed up ^_^. I like you website check out mine and sign my guestbook! Add me as a friend if you'de like ^_^

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