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myOtaku.com: SesshTaisho

Monday, September 6, 2004


(Thanks Shiruri for this nice pic you made for me!)

My Kenshin wallpaper got accepted yesterday yay!I also submited 3 new ones wich are a Yugi/Yami,Priest/Seto,and a Vegeta wallpaper for Beyblader.
I cant believe school starts for me tommorow NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Can someone please KILL me!!!????I cant stand school and I am realy nerveous couse I am going to a new school with new classes and teachers-_-but my favorite subject is first wich is Science class^_^
I put up a new banner for a new anime fan club wich Beyblader started.If you would like to join it send her a PM and I am the co-founder of it so I guess you can also send me a PM and I'll tell Beyblader you want to join if thats ok with you beyblader?
I got an email from the Yahoo staff saying that yahoo mail will be down for the next 2 days so I dont know if I will get all of you're emails?
Thats all but I am pritty sure I forgot to say somethingO_OIf I remember what it is I'll tell you all!

Ja Mate Ne!

[EDIT]Yup I decited to go back to the site colors^^But I will put it back to the way it was when I pick my next theme^_^

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