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myOtaku.com: Samejima Mamimi

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Pain XIX (09/20/04)

Hey awsome site your lucky i press random member ^_^ttlz


chickenburger (09/20/04)

neat site, kewl background!
can i add u as a friend?
i like yer drawings az well!^_^
visit my site soon,k?
peace n chickens!

Azn Gurl (09/19/04)

cool site, loves tha colors so alsome, come by my site if u want....see ya....take karez.....

azn gurl

luicifers wife (09/19/04)

ello ii saw your icon insome one Gb and came to your site ^^;;
i love the colors
and your art is grate ^_^ keep up the awsome work
hope to see you around

NIGHT (09/10/04)

Hi I relly like you site its so cool and your backround is disuke right. I'll add you as my friend.

insanebob2.0 (08/26/04)

ahhh its to crouded here im goin somwhere else {sniff}{sniff}you shot me

fantasy (08/07/04)

hi cool site. I love all your pics. They are so pretty. Hey come to my site too, and check it out. Only when you want. I going to add you as a friend, okay?

Choco XP (08/06/04)

Hey Sameji!!
How ya doin'?
I like your site. Come by mine sometime and sign my guestbook..See ya!! ^-^

stef (08/04/04)

Hallo ^^ Love the site very much. Mamimi is the best! I'mma be addin' ya, so stop by my site anytime. Beware of the much InuYasha-ness, though.

animefreack (08/03/04)

That was funny. Lol. Nice name, does it mean anything in Japanese?

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