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Saturday, October 7, 2006

   The Play! The Play!
So, opening night went well. Everyone did an amazing job and everything went so smoothly. And then last night, wow, last night's performance was flippin' amazing. It was our Moonlight Madness performance and curtain was at 10pm. We were sold out! Seriously, there was not an open seat in the entire auditorium. The audience was amazing and reacted to every punchline, and even a few that we weren't expecting. And we were all so hyper. I was assigned to do the guys' make-up. Meaning: I spent the first hour and a half that we were there in the guys' dressing room. Oh, the insanity. Last night they dubbed me their pimp. And then they sang four part harmony to my mom and sister on the phone. And if it didn't get crazier than that, we started taking funny and "scandelous" pictures. Oh, my. We had so much fun that I was pretty much a walking zombie at 8 am this morning when I showed up to get ready for the 10 am performance. Even two cups of coffee couldn't wake me up completely. But this morning was fun too. And afterward we all went out on the quad to eat lunch together under the tents. Oh, I love my theater people...fun times...

Pimp Picture

One of the Scandelous Pictures

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Wednesday, October 4, 2006

   Back with an Update!
So, I just got back from fall break in Branson, and I think I'm more tired and exhausted than when I left. Probably because I had a barrage of bad, depressing news all at the end of my break, but yea, that's a story for another time...

Anywho, we dropped the Akatsuki from Cos-con. We weren't sure how they were doing the masquerade and there wasn't going to be a stage, so the skit was a no go. Which is fine with me. I wasn't looking forward to having to start a whole new cosplay for it, especially since I've still got to finish Misa and Matsumoto. My friend and I are working on putting together a little skit with either Renji and Matsumoto or Elena and Aerith. Either way, it should be fun and work wonderfully with the set-up for the masquerade. Plus, either set of cosplays will rock.

And that's about all from me. I'm sleepy and desperately need rest. I had dress rehearsal for the play tonight from 6 pm to midnight and I've got it again tomorrow night. Then it's performance on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and two on Sunday. Plus two articles that are due Friday, a speech at the Scholarship Banquet Friday night and a mid-term in Essentials of Evangelical Theory on Friday...ugh, I think I've sold my soul to my university...this sucks...I hope I can survive the rest of the week...

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

   Misa is Almost Done!
So, I got the skirt in. Now all I'm waiting on is the wig, which should be here within a few weeks. The skirt is definitely a mini skirt, so that is going to take a little getting use to. All in all, I am happy with what it's looking like. Ooo, I still need to get the red ribbon too. Dual and I decided that I look like a Catholic school girl gone bad or something. Haha, it's great.

Oh, and apparently I'm adding on another cosplay for Cos-con. Dual and co. decided that we were going to do a skit about the Akatsuki for the masquerade, which involves making another outfit. Granted it's only the coat, but still, that makes 5 cosplays for a two-day con. It'll be fun. I'm taking Elena, Matsumoto, Misa, Hiyoshi and now some silver haired guy from Naruto. Fun times. I'll probably spend more time changing than anything. Oh well, I'm still excited. Because I know it's going to rock! It's no Otakon by any means, but we'll still have fun. Plus there is a large group from our university going with us. Plus, I'm happy as long as I get to cosplay. Well, I can feel myself beginning to crash (operating on 3 and 1/2 hours of sleep) so I think I'm going to go before I fall asleep on the keyboard...Ciao.

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Monday, September 25, 2006

Ugh, so it's been awhile. Sorry! Though, I seriously wonder if anyone reads this anyway.

Anywho, I'm currently working on my Halloween costume. Dual and I are going to be L and Misa from Death Note. We had a Light, but our friend backed out so now it's just the two of us. I'm actually pretty excited about it, even though I'm a little nervous about the whole mini skirt thing. Oh, well. I have the knee socks, shoes and shirt. All I'm really waiting on at the moment is for the skirt and wig to get here. I hac to order a long blonde wig since I decided to dye my hair red and chop about 6 inches off on a whim about 2 weeks ago. It looks nice and I'm quite happy with it. But it doesn't really work for Misa. Oh, well. Anywho, that's about it. Ciao!

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Cosplay Planning...
Ok, so I meant to do this in my post the other day, but alas, I had to dash off to class. Gotta love classes that are on the complete opposite side of campus from my townhouse.

Anywho, here's what I'm thinking for Otakon next year. If I pull them all off it will definitely be my most ambitious convention ever...

Rip van Winkle from Hellsing- So, I admit I haven't actually finished the manga and met this character yet, but Fantasy Chick swears that it's an awesome character and I'll love it. Personally, I just wanted to dress up as a girl and wear fangs, so I don't really care. But no worries, I will finish the manga and do justice to Rip.

Yuujiro from Princess Princess- And yet, another anime that I haven't actually watched yet but somehow got roped into cosplaying it. Dual loves it and really wanted to cosplay as the three main characters, so Fantasy Chick and I agreed. Dual says that I'm most like Yuujiro, so it shouldn't be too hard to pull off. Again, no worries, I'll watch the anime.

Hitachin Twins from Ouran Host Club- Okay, this one I am really looking forward to. Fantasy Chick and I decided that we had to do the twins at Otakon this year. So, we don't really look that much alike, but I think we could pull it off. It's all about the personality anyway, and that we can do.

Matsumoto from Bleach- Yup, I'm bringing her back. This time I'll have the fully completed shinigami, including cleavage (which I was kind of lacking in this year). I'm toying with bringing school girl Matsumoto as well. Could be fun!

St. Rudolph from Prince of Tennis- Yes, yes, the Kanto Rivals will return to Otakon and this time we're doing St. Rudolph. I still don't know which one I'll be doing. I wanted Mizuki, but he was taken. There was talk of me doing Yuuta, though. I'll have to be all angry and angsty. Ooo, and I think with some minor restyling, I might be able to reuse my Hiyoshi wig.

Tonks from Harry Potter- I'm not sure if I'm going to bring this one to Otakon or not, but I'm definitely making it. Fantasy Chick and I were going to run around Cos-con as Legolas and TOnks, but since that's been pushed back until next year, we're not sure what we're going to do. All I know is that I seriously want to make this cosplay. Mostly because of the pink wig...

And there you have it, Roxey's cosplay planning for this year. Now, whether or not any of this actually happens is another story. But I shall work away at it. And hopefully I won't have to commission anything this year. I think I'll attempt to make it all myself. Yay!

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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Wow, it's been awhile
So it's been awhile since I've updated. Sorry! Otakon has come and gone. It was a blast! I had so much fun hanging out with all the crazy Prince of Tennis people. I was also a part of an Advent Children private photoshoot, which was a lot of fun as well. I never made it to the Bleach photoshoot, sadly. My commissioner overnighted Matsumoto to me and it arrived about 2 hours after the photoshoot. Oh well. I had been hoping to get some good shots of me as Matsumoto, but I suppose those will have to wait. I think we're doing another shoot soon.

So now I'm back at school, and beginning the cosplay process all over again for next year. We're going to try to hit up Cos-con and Ronin Con this year, if they have them. If not, we'll just randomly run around campus in our cosplays to fulfill all our cosplay needs. At least there is always Otakon 2007...

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Monday, May 15, 2006

Job, Hooray!
So, I got a job. Yay! I start on Wednesday. I'm a little nervous, but I think I'll be fine. I have to memorize the regular menu and all the alcohol they serve (which is a lot, they have a full bar) so I'm not sure how that will go, but I think I'm going to stop by and pick up a carry-out menu to work on before I go in to train. I talked to my friends that I;m doing the Hyotei group with and one of them is going to help me make the uniform. I'm so relieve. I was getting nervous about matching the color with everyone and making the jacket with no sewing machine. All I have to do is send her my polo, and some money. So now all I really need to focus on is getting my wigs and making my two Rock Lee outfits. Hooray! I'm getting really excited about Otakon and it's still over 2 months away. Which is good because I've got to save up some money.
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

In Need of a Job
Yup, I'm home for the summer and now desperately in need of a job. My internship starts the first week of June, but I've got to find another part-time job to cover bills until then. Plus, I've got to get my Matsumoto paid off by the end of June. Hopefully that shouldn't take too long, it's only about $112 left to pay off. Anyway, I've got to get a couple of wigs, plus finish off Rock Lee, female Rock Lee and Taki. Taki should be pretty simple, but I'm not looking forward to making that jacket. Especially since I have to sew everything by hand. Yup, my mom sold her sewing machine in the auction last summer, so I'm left sewing the Hyotei polo and jacket, plus female Rock Lee's top completely by hand. I suppose that it's not really that bad, but yea, I'm not the greatest seamstress in the world anyway. *Sigh* So, we'll see how that goes.

In other happy news, I volunteered to be Elena for a private Advent Children shoot at Otakon and I'm really excited about it. My friend is coming along a Tseng, so it's going to be lots of fun. And I think a true blue professional photographer is coming. Or, at least a good photographer. Either way, it's going to be fun and I can't wait!

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Thursday, April 27, 2006

   Yay for Updating!
Ok, new dilemna, I'm trying to decide if I want to add on a female Rock Lee to my Otakon arsenal. I thought it would be fun and little more ventilated than my regular Rock Lee. I'm still planning on doing regulare Rock Lee. He's too fun to drop, but yea. I've done a few sketches for female Rock Lee and even some snj Rock Lee. I don't think that I'll do SNJ, for the sole fact that I'm not too comfortable running around in public dressed sexy, but I'm still deliberating. Anyway, here the links to my sketches.
Female Rock Lee
SNJ Rock Lee
What to do, what to do...at least I've got until August. One version of the female Rock Lee wouldn't be too hard to add on, since it's just a modified top. And then there is the question of whether or not I want to do long hair or short hair. I already have long hair with bangs, so I could just spray it black. Ah, decisions, decisions...

In other news, I've got some prelim sketches for Tonks. I'm really excited about it, but not too sure where to start. Probably need to go back to the book. Anyway, here's my Tonks sketches.
Tonks 1
Tonks 2

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Monday, April 17, 2006

I did a photoshoot with some friends this weekend. It was a lot of fun. I put up some of the pictures that I took with the digital, but the rest are coming on Wednesday when our 3 rolls of film are developed. I'm excited. The digital ones were good, so the film should be great. We're planning another one this summer when all our cosplay are finished while I'm visiting Virginia, and then another one at the same location as the first. I wasn't too entirely happy with the lighting, so I thinking we'll do them at a different time of day. I'm secretly hoping for a cloudy day because those make the best lighting for color pictures. Anywho, that's about it. I've got a to-do list about three feet long to get done before dress rehearsal at 6 pm. Ciao.
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