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myOtaku.com: roboartemis

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

   Universally Screwed
Ever have one of those days where you feel like the entire universe is trying to screw you up? Not like anything really bad happened, but a whole bunch of little things went wrong in a row? Well, that was my day. But I think it was to balance out the impossibly good thing that happened to me earlier. See, when I got to Art History today, we got our essays back and somehow I got an A, which is really weird since my paper was too short. I was expecting like B-C, but no. So of course, everything after that moment was out of whack. Like, I realized it was Tuesday and I had to drive all the way out to our credit union to drop off my pay-checks before they closed, then I was asked to drop off some stuff at the UPS store for my mom. No problem there, but after I got home, I realized that Hobby Lobby was literaly right across the street and I could have gone in for my colored pencil, but forgot. Then, upon sitting at my computer, I realized that we didn't have Microsoft Access, a program I need for my homework due the next day. So, out I went, back to Hobby Lobby for my pencil and out to school to use the computer lab. Once I got home, I tried to finish my Yuki drawing. Except one of my grey pencils kept snapping, so I finally just colored with the broken tip (I mean it, that's how many times that damn thing broke. I kind of went crazy) But then finally, after that everything was good and I think I have now karmically earned my A ^_^

And speaking of my drawing, yes I did finish and submit it, but as of this moment it is not up yet. Damn my not being a senior artist with their instant posting! Once it is up, however, I'll go back and add a link in this entry. Then all will be able to view and criticise! Yay! So, that's about it for now. Tootles everyone and I'll let you know when my story portion is ready to post ^_^

-Quote of the Day-
"Look at it this way, if demons did have toilets would you really want to use them?"
-Yu Yu Hakusho-

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