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myOtaku.com: roboartemis

Monday, September 5, 2005

   "Sometimes You Feel Like A Nut, Sometimes You Don't..."
I went to the annual family reunion Sunday. God, we are such hillbillys. Reasons: (1)Family games consisted of horseshoe, bingo, and barefooted volleyball (2)Contests consisted of guess the watermelon weight and guess how many candies are in the jar [I won the candies, but was off on the watermelon by two pounds T_T] (3)Reunion is held at the Lion's Club, basically a living monument to military service (4)"Catching Up" with people involves hearing about their recent "altercations" with the law (5)Describing someone as "That guy with the beer and cigarette" correlates to nearly every male relative in the building, and possibly some of the more facially hair inclined females (6)Conversations with Grandma involve her inviting you over to use her garage as an archery target, since Grandpa and nearly everyone else in the family who can shoot a bow have already turned it into swiss cheese (7)For some reason, there's a giant float-style paper-mache lion sitting next to the building and nobody even looks twice at it (8)Second cousins once removed are common sites and childhood friends (9)The gossip mill runs so fast that there's actually no need to talk to half of the people present in order to know every detail of the last 12 months of their life (10)On hand chocolate is a neccesity for diverting unwanted conversation from both children AND adults (11)There are so many Southern accents, it's seems that someone must have mastered the science of teleportation, since I live in NORTHERN Illinois. And that's about all I'm gonna say on that for now. I could go on, but that would last quite a while. Anyway, on to anime business. I'm sorry, but I still haven't gotten a chance to finish my DNAngel picture *pleads for mercy with puppy eyes* If I get crackin', I should be able to post it sometime later on Monday *crosses fingers* Anyway, I'm off to finish reading my book ["Eldest"] so that I won't have anymore distractions this weekend. I'm almost done!

-Quote of the Day-
Cousin Kara: "So, what are you going to college for?"
Mom: "She's been jumping around on that."
Me: *holds out jar of prize candy* Here, Mom, have some chocolate. I'm going to be an art teacher.
Mom: *hugs Kara and pretends to cry* Whaaaa! Did you hear that, she wants to be an art teacher! First it was Physics, then Biology. *shakes Kara* She could have worked for NASA! NASA!"
-My mom pretending to have an episode at the reunion ^_^ -

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