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myOtaku.com: Rei Yasha

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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inuyasha65 (06/14/06)

nice site, do some posts though, check out my site if you get the time and we can chat-peace

oturan ikamuzu (01/01/06)

hi. i'm just going around peoples site and adding them onto my list. talk to you later. O_O

Anguisel (01/01/06)

Hello! Such a lovely color of red. It fits well with the black. Hope Southern Cali is treating you well!

asuka girl (08/08/04)

your profile is so cute lol i lke it alot!!!!!!

asuka girl*maddie*

kat and kess (06/27/04)

Hi, your site is really good. I hope you will visit my site. i will add you as my friend. Okay? Cool I'm so old like you.

inuyashalkagome (05/31/04)

i was just wandering when i came across ur site!
it's soooooooo awesome!
hope u don't mind if i add u as a friend....
feel free 2 drop by my site anytime u want 2...if u ever want 2

hope 2 c ya round


LonelyWolf (04/30/04)

Just to let you know your request is finished ok so you have a look at it now I hope you like it!

Marik2112 (04/11/04)

Thanx for signing my GB!!!!
I appreciated the nice words! ^-^


lechon de leche (04/10/04)

hey thank for dropping by my site! *hugs* and for tha nice compliment ^_______^

eh? 0_o" i'm really a filipino! infact i havent gotten out of the country since i ws born ^^; is there anything i've written that makes you doubt? just curious... it was just funny that you asked ^__^ hehehe!

SplendorSeal (04/08/04)

Hi, I'm a major Dragon Knights fan too!! I love the series its one of my top 2 favorite manga(D.N.Angel if the other). Anyway I've been looking for other dragon knights fans on this site for a while now. I met Teia the other day and she told me bout you and other dk fans .So I just thought I'ld stop by to say hi. Anyway I added you as a friend. Talk to you later!^___^

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