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myOtaku.com: red tigress

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Sunday, January 25, 2004

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I've finally got a new phone. It was still under warrantee, so it's the exact same model and stuff, but it's nice to have something that works. When I turn it on, it now says "Badass Archer Chick" and the main screen says "Red Tigress", of course.

Been watching some of Alias Season 2 today. That thing's one gigantic emotional roller coaster, ain't it?

I found a bird in my driveway today. It looked like a small wood peacker. At first I thought it was dead, but it was breathing. But it was bleeding from the beak. I didn't want to just throw it over the fence, so I picked it up. It wouldn't let go of my fingers when I tried to put it on a branch(don't worry, I had rubber gloves). Finally, I put it's feet on the branch, but it was kinda falling off. So I tried to pry it off the branch again, but it flew away. Crazy bird. I hope it lives, though.

Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

"The price is wrong, bitch!"

Heh heh.


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Saturday, January 24, 2004

Well, this morning my dad and I went to an archery range about 40 minutes from my house. We met a coach who was really nice and gave me a 20 minute lesson(in which i learned I suck and wasn't taught half the things I shoulda been) and I've decided I'm going to take lessons. Now, when, is the question.

Jeez, it's 4:40 allrady? I've been in the basement playing SC2 and watching Teen Titans. You know, that one where the crazy freak in the mask wants Robin to be his apprentice? One question. Robin goes "I have a father," and then the bats fly around, yadda, yadda. So...


When the Hell are they gonna have a JL/TT crossover, eh? I think Flash would be awsome buds with Beastboy...

Oh yeah, except in the comic book, Flash WAS in Teen Titans originally, so he's buddies with all of them...


They need to make it more like the comic book, for us crazy fan boys and girls...

Haha, oh yeah, guess I told you in the last post I'd watched Zorro that day...

"What's the score?"
"Zero, zero."
"Who's winning?"
"...The Bears."


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Friday, January 23, 2004

WHo's crusin' now?

Ok, I wasn't around today because I spent the entire day watching Family Guy, Alias(FINALLY got onto the season 2 discs, man, her mom SHOT her! What kind of freak-o family is this, anyway?), The Mask of Zorro, and then Who's Line(and played Soul Clibur and bought all the weapons I possibly could).

Think I failed our history exam that we had to take in the classroom which smelled like rotton milk(someone spilled it. There IS reason to cry over spilt milk, see?), made a giant coil pot that looks like a pineapple(rather innovative if I do say so myself), watched Little Women(Man, Kirstin Dunst must have been like, 12!), and slept.

A rather good day, except for the whole history thing. At least we didn't have to write an essay.

Still haven't told the folks about the cell phone...

Well, since no one got it, it was Martin Short in The Three Amigos.

"He was young. And vigorous. He was very vigorous, father."

Well, chow, folks.

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Thursday, January 22, 2004

   Thanks for all the cool-ass quizzes, Chie! Ooh, I'm like, Dark Magician girl!
Dark magician. You love the dark because of it's
beauty and just the life that no-one else sees.
Mysterious, calm, quiet... But that doesn't
mean you're not friendly!

Please rate ^^

What kind of dark person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're an AK-47!! You're a very single-minded
person, seeking the most obvious and easiest
solutions to life. This may cause a stir, but
you can take it. You're tough, no? You're also
very simple person, easily entertained and able
to survive in the most modest of environments.

What kind of rifle are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Woah, that trig final today went shitty...physics was ok, band was boring, except for...I got in the top band! Yippee! I get to play good music again! Oh yeah, and in Spanish we talked about the oppressed peoples of Argentina and Chile, and had to write a poem about torture...unfortunately, we had to do it with 2 other people, or I would have written about ELVEN toruture, mwhahaha!

Hehe, I enjoyed everyone's comments from the last post, they were funny.

Get in my belly!Ok, so maybe raptors don't think like that afterall...I wanted a picture of the t-rex eating the dude off the toilet, but couldn't find one. If anyone can, they should post it on their site so we can all have a good laugh.

"Tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip...NEDDY!"

Rock on, my brothers and sisters.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Yeah, I wasn't around at all today, from a combo of take home tests, tutoring, music lessons, and hiding from my parents...

So yeah, they yelled at me for a while, I complained it was cause midterms were stressing me out, I kinda broke down, yadda yadda, "How are you going to do in another country if you're always loosing things", yadda, yadda. So, my cards have been cancelled. Now I just need a new wallet. I MISS MY FAKE LEATHER RED ONE, WAAAAAH!

In tottally awsome news, today...

Let's see, Legato was scary.
Knives was naked.
Vash's arm exploaded.
Wolfwood was hot.

What else is there to say? Oh, and, awsome cover:

Now, if you don't want to buy that, I don't know what your problem is. That's an excellent piece of marketing right there.

Blue Steel, baby.

"Clever girl..."

Allright, thank you everyone SO much for your support.The entire time my parents were yelling at me, I was thinking of SG's band aid approach and trying not to laugh. Heh heh.


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Tuesday, January 20, 2004

   What do you do when you have the worst day and know it can only get worse?
Well, I'm gonna HAVE to tell my parents I lost my wallet, now. I know I can replace everything, it's just their reaction I'm afraid of. Does that make me a coward?

In other news, I failed my last trig quiz I thought I did well on. I have three mid terms this week. I lost a Spanish packet worth a quiz grade. I still haven't told my parents about my phone...

I have band auditions in a little while. For next year. People tell me I'm good, and I'll make it into the top band, but considering there's only one spot(only one person's graduating) I'm not so sure.

I'm so upset, I haven't been sleeping well, and my parents will only accuse me of not studying when they see my grades. I wanna rip my hair out. Or at the very least, go into the basement and never come up. Except it's cold, and there's no food.


Well, Indy always cheers me up. A bit.

"They were like brothers to me, not like real brothers, but brothers in the way black people say it."


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Monday, January 19, 2004

   Thanks for the cool quiz page Rustym.

find your chinese zodiac sign at internet junk!

Your Chinese zodiac sign is:
The Tiger

People born under the sign of Tiger are sensitive, given to deep thinking, capable of great sympathy.
They can be extremely short tempered. However, others have great respect for them. Sometimes tiger people come into conflict with older people or those in authority. Tiger people cannot make up their minds, which can result in a poor, hasty decision or a sound decision arrived at too late. They are suspicious of others, but are courageous and powerful.
Tigers are most compatible with people born in the years of the Horse, Dragon, and Dog.

Did you ever doubt me?

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Glad people like the car. There was also a bumper sticker that said "My co-piolet is R-2". Rock on.

Allright, I've been sitting on my ass today, and thinking about taking a bubble bath.

Right, anyway, it was Wedding Singer.

"Yes, the actual Ten Commandments, the original stone tablets that Moses brought down from Mt. Arat and smashed, if you believe in that sort of thing... Didn't any of you guys ever go to Sunday school? "

Allright, so it's a bit long, sue me. I'M the one coming up with different quotes and pictures for them EVERY SINGLE DAY! I hope you all appreciate that. The things I do for you people. I'm off to take a bubble bath.

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Sunday, January 18, 2004


And the interior:

Rock on, Star Warriors.

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