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myOtaku.com: Number 5

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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LiLMaMa89 (09/04/04)

Really good artwork & quizzes and just everything. I am gonna add u as a friend darn it!!! ^-^

SyuusukeFuji (09/03/04)

Well I must say your fan art is amazing... I really liked your site it's real cool...^^

Matt Prower (09/02/04)

Hey. Thanks for signing my GB. Its kinda funny that I was the random member right then and there ^_^. Cool site, but its kinda hard to read some of the text. AND WHERED YOU GET ALL OF THE COOL STUFF (buttons, animations, ect.) ON YOUR MAIN PAGE!? Can you tell meh please? Peace!

PS: May I add you on Yahoo! Messenger?

InuYashaGe (09/02/04)

Hey! I like your site too, I'll add you as a friend. Visit my site and i'll visit yours!

beyblader (09/02/04)

HEYA! Thanks for signing my bg! whao... glad thats done.. thats a boring thing to say, but respectful none the less! *nods*

Hey, dude, I LOVE the LP pic ya got in ur intro! Where'd ya get that? LP is my fave band. I see ya round. And I added ya as a friend!

sw33tkiss3z (09/02/04)

hey!!! thanx 4 signinG my gb n addinG me as a friend!! i'll do da same!! ^_________________^ hehe. oooooooo. awsum site u gotz hea!!! itz nice!! oopz. i knew i 4got 2 do sumthinG!! =P i'll go check out ur art afta diz!!! hehe. wellz. yea. PM me if u ever bord or w/e!! aiightz. ooooooooooooo. can i put ur button on my site??? plz??? thank yooz!!wellz. im off 2 check out ur art!!! byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! *wavez* hehe^^

Godel (09/01/04)

Saw a comment you dropped on some one else's guestbook, and immediately thought, "That person has one of the most awesome usernames I have ever seen."

Hence my visiting you here, at this little hole in cyberspace. (Don't worry: I reffer to every blog as a little hole in cyberspace. Or a puddle. >_>)

I like your background. It's somehow touching. xD

Seth (08/31/04)

Hey waz up how do you get a back round imedj well ant way I as going to add you as a friend c ya.Later

Petie (08/29/04)

Hey. Thanks for stopping by and signing my guestbook. I like your site too. I've seen you around before too. It seems like you beat me to the signing though ^_^ Anyway, I'll add you as a freind too. Talk to you later!

Tadashi (08/28/04)

OHH WOW I FINALLY FOUND A Weiss Kreuz FAN!!! I am so happy well see ya I G2G because KinkyKittyMewMew is here.

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