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myOtaku.com: Niadra

Thursday, September 22, 2005

   I need your opinions!!!
this here is a (hopefully) somewhat amusing little short-story thingy about two fools named bob and joe. i have several variations of the middle/end of the story. i'm going to put two of them here, and i might put on two more tomorrow. i need to know which one's better/funnier. ready?

the adventures of BOB AND JOE
-a fable to the stupidity of today-
This story takes place one fine day in late september, when Bob and Joe decided that school was ghastly and they'd had enough of it. They decided that the best way to remedy this was to hotwire some fool's car and speed away to Miami. Neither of them could drive, but who would notice that in florida? Sadly, however, Bob and Joe soon discovered that they were no great shakes at car thieving.
"this isn't freaking working!!" exclaimed Joe in frustration. The car fortunately had no alarm, being an older model, but that didn't change the fact that they couldn't get inside. "Break the window, man!" Bob said. "no way!" joe replied, "I'd get cut. you do it."
They both stood there for several long minutes, each pondering his own thoughts of the proper way to steal a car. "I got it!" yelled Bob at last, flinging out his arms and catching Joe a stinging blow to the nose, "one of us can ride on top of the car and the other one will push!"
"Nah," said Joe, "someone'll notice."
"not," said Bob, smirking, "If the one pushing is DISGUISED."
Exactly fifteen minutes and ten seconds later, a strange sight was witnessed by several random strangers; namely, a car rolling slowly down the road, some crazy guy perched on the roof, and the whole thing apparently propelled (untill they hit the downhill slope and plummeted out of control) by a trash can with legs and eyeholes. A strange sight indeed. Needless to say, they never quite made it to Miami.
Bob was the one who first got frustrated with the whole thing. "This sucks!" he exclaimed, "we'll never get into this stupid car! and pretty soon they're gonna realize we're not in health class!!"
Joe, however, didn't reply. He had always been the one with the inventive yet slightly deranged mind. Bob turned to see what Joe was looking at. All he saw was a disused trash can lying on the curb. "What? what is it, hmm?" asked Bob, annoyed.
"Bob! i've got it!!!" hollered Joe, scaring several passing second-graders into hysterics. "Huh...?" was all Bob could manage.
In a surprisingly short time, Joe had succeeded in convincing Bob that he was totally out of his mind. "A TRASH CAN on wheels??" asked Bob incredulously, "what is the MATTER with you??"
"Well," said Joe calmly, "miami is south of here, right? so it's all downhill, right? you ever looked at a map, dude?"
You have probably guessed by now exactly how much attention they both payed in geography class, because at this Bob shook his head slowly and said "Yeah... guess that makes sense!"
the altering of the unfortunate trash can commenced immediately.
Once they had pushed it up several slopes, they were slightly disheartened but they brightened up at the sight of a rather steep hill in front of them. Pushing off, they discovered that even a motorless vehicle such as theirs really should have some kind of breaks.
A mr. jonathan jones, a lawyer who happened to be driving up to the school at the time to pick up his daughter for her dentist appointment, was later heard exclaiming to reporters: "DUMBASS KIDS!"

sorrrryyyy it was long! T_T
if you stayed with me this long, THANK YOU YOU ARE A TRUE FRIEND! don't forget to comment!

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