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myOtaku.com: Neji Hyuuga

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Guestbook Entries:

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PenguinCrossGuard (12/23/06)

i take it u like the naruto....i love that show. neji is the cooleoest...well one of the cooeoests.im confusing myself....well byes^^ Ame~~~~

King of kendo (09/01/06)

Why so many Neji fans? Makes me wonder if there any other Shikamaru fans out there. Stay away from Ino.

Littleinugirl (09/01/06)

Hi^.^ I like ur site!! Is that really ur real name?*feels envy* I added u...please have the time to stop by and visit!! Byr*hug*


jennyhyuga (08/28/06)

hi nice color!!!! i love color black!!!
Hey i'm adding you as a friend so if you have time... just stop by at my site... PLS...!! Sign my gb too... Thanx!!!!

Truly yours,

Seto Grl (08/21/06)

Hey there,

Can you pm me and sign my GB? If you and if you can. Thank you. I have a few questions. Visit quizilla and take my How Much Do You Know About Neji? Quiz. My username is SuperAngleOfLight.

~Seto Grl~

byakuganthevileye (08/20/06)

OMG neji is so friggin awsome i really like your site! i left a comment on one of your post i hope that you'll visit my site!

Hello Kitty Freak (07/28/06)

HI! Still thinking of many ways to hurt Hinata. I'm just playing. I like your site. I'll add you as a friend. Hope you do the same. Don't worry I'll comment and stuff. Later.

Mystic Ninja Zeta (07/27/06)

Nice colors! It is good to find the one called Neji. I hope you keep in touch.

IMNo1Bishounen (07/26/06)

Wow, Neji sure seems to be a favorite among Otakuites. Anyway, I just came to greet another Naruto fan and was wondering if you would like to drop by my site sometime.

rai the seraphim (07/26/06)

hey!! awesome site!! Neji rocks!! come check mine out sometime!!
see ya Neji!!

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