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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I almost didn't come to school today, just because i haven't had a good day's sleep in forever. The nights of waking up at three thirty in the morning are now over. Now I awake at two. Wow. Big improvement there, yeah? But I get used to it, and normally I can go right back to sleep if I'm really tired. But school is turning out fine just fine today after all. I turned in an extra credit essay worth fifty points. It only took like half an hour to write the whole thing. And now I have a little bit of homework left for tonight. I'm starting to get a little bit nerdy with school. I come home, eat dinner, then do homework, and i'm nbormally asleep by 9:00. Sometimes even earlier. But it doesn't really bother me as much as some would think.
Well, I guess i'll stop rambling now. Oh, not yet. One more thing. Danni- I'm getting a cell phone this summer. My mom and dad won't know. I'll give you the numer later. Love you hunny.

I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.

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Monday, April 30, 2007

Much better
I feel much better now that he'll actually talk to me again. You're not supposed to ignore your lover. So I am not so much depressed anymore.

I have a master plan for next year. I'm going to be a junior, yes yes. I'm going to infiltrate the system of preps and introduce them to the cool things in my life. Anime, wrestling, and (embarassingly) academics. I've decided my future will have something to do with History because I lvoe it. I must go now, but I will be back soon. Love you guys!!

I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.

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Monday, April 23, 2007

I am horribly depressed today...
I had a dream last night that made me cry. Danni came to my 18th birthday party as plannned, except he had a redhead named Jen with him. When I asled him about it, he started screaming at me that I was a dumb ass for ever believing her would wait for me for a year and a half. Then he said i was fucking stupid and that he never really loved me at all. So I woke up and cried my poor little eyes out. So today I am trying to get in touch with Sammy to see what's been going on with the group, only im being ignored and her phone is on too. It makes me extremely angry to be ignored by the people I love and trust. I just dont get how he expects me to forget about him like he was never my lurver. Like im not going to worry and wonder what he's been up to, if he's happy or anything else. I just hope he hasn't totally stopped thinking about me. Or that he's actually moved on and found another girl to be his lover. I doubt he has, but my dreams almost never lie when it comes to him. And I keep waking up at three thirty in the morning because of his nightmares. I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.
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Thursday, April 19, 2007

More than 00 people have visited my site now. that means all who visit now are part of a cult that worships me as the almighty goddess of boredom. yesh.
I keep waking up to nightmares that i dont even have. it makes me both happy and sad at once. happy becuz im still connected to him, and sad becuz its 330 in the morning. oh well though. my cat is about to have kittens, and im getting a puppy from sarah soon. hes gunna be so freaking cute!!! im naming him Dasce. Because i can.

Random things:
1. there are no random things
2. everything happens for a reason
3. in a certain order.
4. and random becomes the norm, and is there for expected.
5. so it becomes un random. I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

im bored
like, really really bored. lunch is almost over, so im just spending my bitch free day with fishy and daryl and sarah and gracey. i ahve councelling tomorrow at ten thirty in the morning. bloody yay. Im drinking yummy propel water right now, and im also sweating like a gross pig in a slaughter house. and im wearing fuzzy blue boots. they are pretty.


1. Jello is random.
2. Oink oink oink squeeeeee!!!
3. Penis cramp
4. 3:30 am...you know.
5. SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!! I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.

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Friday, April 13, 2007

Im being forced to move back in with my parents. I hate them. i hate this. i hate school. i hate this shit. i hate everything. shit. I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Luch tyme

yes, i meant the type-o. I just ate lunch a little while ago, so now im online at school and ive decided to visit you guys. Im really tired right now. I need more batteries for my cd player, i need new cds for my cd player, and i need a smokey. Yesh. All would be very nice. Does anybody do something kind of random that's wierd? I've started carrying toothpaste around in my purse and 'brushing' my teeth whenever i feel like it. hmm...
I drew some new pictures that you guys will probably never see, unless i somehow procure both internet and a scanner. Highly unlikely.
I slept in until like 6:30 this morning. Then i was ubber slow getting dressed and had to be driven to school by my g-ma. Nice lady.
Im posting random things again...

Random things...
1. i hate going into a public restroom alone
2. my cat is a huge pregnant ball of fuzz.
3. i love school.
4. i hate school.
5. random things aren't really so random.
6. death is random.
7. life is random.
8. YOU are random.
9. cats are random.
10. Time is random.
I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.

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Monday, April 9, 2007

school and other shit
School starts tomorrow. Crapptness all the way through...I'm going to try doing good though. I might be able to get online once in a while, but I wont be getting on regularly like this anymore. The phone here is getting shut off, which is really sad...I'm going to miss talking to you guys everyday. I'll try to get on though. I wanted to make this post longer, but it doesnt look like that's going to happen today... I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.
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Sunday, April 8, 2007

Wishful Thinking
Dripping down
into the deep
called my life

I wait...
For somebody to come
and save me.
day by day,
I fade into the blackness
in my heart.

My wretched soul,
depraved of love,
of affection,
no longer holds value.

I fall, faster,
no longer held up by hope.

I am caught.

Not by a person

I am caught up,
In my own failures,
In my own sorrow,
In my own pity.

I wish for death,
But like ewverything else
I want,
It is denied.

My life,
If that's what you call it,
Is a worthless entity taking
up space in the world.

My happiness,
Is only wishful thinking.
I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.

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I posted Nightmare Before Christmas Lyrics, and now the movie is on television all day. Coincidence? Maybe. Cool? Definitely. So, in honor of the out of season playment, I give you.....JACK.
*clap now, please. He is the king, after all.*
This picture was actually done by Seifer-Sama. I find it a very nice piece of work.
And i find this one rather nice as well...

Alrighty then. Now, Easter Dinner. In my family, it's rather strange, I find, that all special dinners are served around noon. Then I guess we're supposed to mingle and graze until we're done eating. Normally, I just eat a little then leave, then enjoy a burrito. Or four.

I need to do laundry today. I've just been chilling in my pj's all spring break. It's kind of sad that I have to go back in a few days. And that same day I have councelling with Lindsey. It's gonna be hellish on Tuesday.

Alas, I must go. I've got other things on my agenda today, and nobody's online to talk to right now anyways. Bye lovelies. Huggles.

~Teri~ I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.

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