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myOtaku.com: Mitch

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Guestbook Entries:

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Baron Samedi (12/23/03)

I am writing you this little note just to let you know that I am thinking of you. I dropped by yor site today. A very good site indeed. My day has been good. I hope you are feeling well when you recieve this letter. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year. One day you should pop over the road to myO. I was pleasantly surprised that I am on your friends list- you are on mine and have been since the beginning.

Thinking of you,



[Teehee. Letter format! ^_^]

Nitz (12/08/03)

Hello i hear your a member of the Great Wind as well hello so as i. Strange tho i once knew a girl with the same first and last name as you (im not sure as of the middle) anyway thats kool. Well hope to hear from you. Long live Wind!!!

Ezzel (12/05/03)

I am also in the army of the wind master and one of his four commanders. contact me for plans to help overtrow the world.

Maarii (11/25/03)

Can you guess the truth pf being?

forgotten619 (11/20/03)

hey check out my site plz and sign gb.crazy site u have lol!

Karma of Chaos (11/19/03)

Superfluous is such a fun word to say...anyway, moving on. I am here to rant pointless about nothing at all. How does one rant about nothing? I'm not sure...I'm really just avoiding my Geometry homework.

Geo should have never met Ry.

Curse them.

And so ends this random, meaningless commentary by yours truly:

{I'm hyper, can't ya tell?}

Mimmi (11/12/03)

You remind me of a black hole in the universe. One is drawn to it and wish to explore it. What's on the other side ?.... You really are an intriguing human being. - Mimmi

Flava (11/02/03)

You are a very interesting writer. As far as the OB situation, I don't think anyone should make a huge deal out of it. In the end, this is all about having fun- so there's no reason to be getting so serious! All right, so I hope I see you by my site sometime, Mitch, and until then~ PEACE ~

KawaiiAnime (10/31/03)

Hey like ur site check out mine and can u post when u get there? thanks!*kushikushi*

moletta (10/11/03)

Hello, Mitch. I was just wanderin around and I stumbled on your site. It's lovely, really. Well, I'll see you in OB

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