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myOtaku.com: Kana no Hoshi

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Darth Dark Angel (07/02/05)

Cool Site! ^-^ It's Ed! Mine's Roy. Anyway nice site...I love FMA. I added u as a friend. cya! ^_^


lovingmemories112 (06/29/05)

konichiwa!aahhhh....ur website is cool!i added u as afriend! hope u do the same and visit my website sometime...if u do please comments or private message me if u like! ~buh-bye~

Burkenstock (06/21/05)

Hello .. I'm in shock at how cool your site is lol your icon rocks! I'm adding you! ^^

Jangalian (06/19/05)

Your avi is hott-- from the movie right?
I saw you comment on someone else's site & I had to check you out.
I will add you as a friend-- see ya!

Bloodguzzler69 (06/17/05)

like ur site..stop by mine or either of my other sites FinalFantasyNut or PaineStrife


ChibiMana (06/16/05)

Cool site! I like the background ^^ Come visit my site sometime. Ja ne!


Daff-Power (06/13/05)

Hiya there.

Just dropped by. Like ur site. nifty. ^-^. Good BG 2.

Feel free 2 come by my site some time. ok? I'll be adding ya as a friend, hope ya don't mind. ok? ok. ^-^. ttyl


Mew (06/10/05)

Hi! I'm sure you've seen my comments on Shizuka's site. I'm her sister ^_^
You seem like such a good friend to Shizuka. Nice to meet you!

Sessy514 (06/10/05)

Yo Yo Yo..... This is the one and only Sessy514 signing your guestbook telling you what an awsome site you have going here. I really like it and I can see you put a lot of hard work, effort, and time imto this site and it has paid off greatly. Way to go. I want to be friends with you and if you have the time, you should visit my site and my friend Saint2005's site. C-ya

Dark anime kitty (06/10/05)

Hey! I love your site! Ed is sexy!! *drools over your bg* lol heh. Well Im gunna add you as a friend if you dont mind. Come visit me sometime!!

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