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myOtaku.com: kaguraROXZ

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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IluvTrevor (12/19/05)

Hi!! i really like ur site!!!!!! i Luv ur avatar!!!!!!!!! i hope we can b really good friends!!!!! \(*O_o*)/

Xx beth xX (12/03/05)

Hey there. I like your site. The background is SO pretty with the water and everything else. I like your avatar as well. Many cool pictures make it up. Hope it's ok if I add you as a friend. C ya 'round!!


BNCF Shadow star (11/16/05)

Hello! Just a friendly member!

AnimeGrl 101 (11/12/05)

Hey there thx for signing my gb! ^_^ your site is awesome... well ill see ya around ^^ l83rz

Mai711 (11/08/05)

ur avie is just the cutest!!Seshomaru is my fav!My avie TY 4 complimeting it.I used 2 have a mai 1,i changed it but i still see mai!My freind said it's hatori/shigure so i guess it's ok.KK nice layout 2!BYE YEE

BabyD (10/18/05)

Hiya!!! Tnx alot for signing my gb, you site is awsome too, i luv the avi of sesshy is soo cute ^-^ i luv it!! wow you got the same age as my niece ^-^ cool, i didnt know you was so young. well got to go now, cya laterz!!

EvilGenius (10/09/05)

What's up? 4 Real, this site looks awesome.Thanks for signing my GB too. Stay in touch and stay in school!PEACE!
p.s. Happy belated!

KimikoD (10/09/05)

awwww! sesshomaru is soooo cute! I bet he's love to hear me say that. CU round!

klumzy eli (10/07/05)

hey watz up..well hppy bday punk....and koolio site...late

thelastmushroom (10/06/05)

Nice site! And almost happy birthday! '95 eh? My sis was born in '96 so you're kinda close in age ^-^

I'm going to add you as a friend!

PM me anytime you want, I love being social! ^.^

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