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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

These things I choose to say.........
Soi Fon

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At lunch today me and Alex(not my brother nor chihirochan) were talking about Shakugan no Shana. She likes to watch it subbed and I prefer it dubbed. And she finished the series before me! TT But still she`s like one of the only people I can discuss Shana with without explaining the whole story to her first. And we got to the topic of the villain: Friagne.
Can anyone here pronounce it for me?!

For those who don`t get this today I also........
1. Stayed at the sucess center yet again.
2. I got another beanie baby as an X-mas present from pirategaara. It`s a bear. I named him "Breakfast squid". For those of you who don`t watch Invader Zim you might not get the joke.
3. I found Jeran`s Otaku account!(Uzk told me yesterday for those who didn`t know already and yes,I signed his GB yesterday too)
Look up Hige of the Sand!
4. Me and Midnighter Des 8`s beanie babies fought to the death and tied again like yesterday. She named her stuffed whale "Sahara" to make fun of the fact she lives underwater.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

   Goody goody gumdrops..............
Soi Fon

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1. Today was the last day in maga club.*sobs*
Though we got to watch Trinity Blood in ther which was pretty fun! And we saw the excat screen shot I used to make my first e-card(Goody goody gumdrops!) with. We all laffed like crazy. Gawd,I love Abel.(no,not that way.....okay quit staring at me you!)
2. My sister still won`t pick up her things. I nearly tripped over her coat coming the door this morning. Geez! That thing just loves to find new ways to piss me off.
3.I`m almost done with my picture for the breast cancer awareness contest entry! And I`m done with the winter pic for the Mew contest I entered. It`s not colored but,whatev.
4. I got an idea for a new story......and I think I`ll stick with it!!!!!!!!!

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Monday, December 11, 2006

Soi Fon

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I may post up some lyrics later but, lately mine have been too depressing. But still!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Soi Fon

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Here are some pictures of Lucy! She`s so cute! (Sorry, if they`re blurry,our camera sux):

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Saturday, December 9, 2006

Soi Fon

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My sister and my mom just got back home and they brought home a puppy! Her name is Lucy and she is a rat terrier. Charlie(my cat) isn`t too happy with the fact that there`s a dog in the house. He isn`t used to them. But Lucy is used to kids and cats(thank God). She`s really cute but,awfully tuckered out.

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   Boom! Headshot!!!!!!
Soi Fon

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I changed my BG this morning!!!!!!!!! Shana is soooooooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!

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   Last night .........oh,yeah...puppies......
Soi Fon

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I didn`t sleep very well last night. *yawns* I just woke up like an hour ago but,I still just wanna get back to sleep.
Oh,yeah,I almost forgot. My mom and my sister are going to look at puppies today. My sister wants one really bad. It`s almost as if Fluff doesn`t exist anymore to her. And I love that kitten sooooo much! Shes so soft and pretty! But, still I like puppies too.....and dogs.....well...it kinda depends....

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Friday, December 8, 2006

BBQ-ed lemon.........
Soi Fon

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Midnighter-Des8 doesn`t know what a barbecqued lemon tastes like. Her friend David was talking to her about it at lunch. It`s been bothering her all day-do you any of you guys know what one tastes like? llh.
Also, are any of you entering the breast cancer awareness contest? I am.

Not so sourly yours,
-Remon-chan(Remon is lemon in Japanese I think.......I dunno UzK just told me that so I kinda figured....)

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Thursday, December 7, 2006

Maryweather light as a feather!
Soi Fon

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In manga club today we were watching the second Inu-Yasha movie(it`s actually the 1st bit of Inu-Yasha I ever saw when I was just getting into Anime) we all like made fun Naraku`s make up(No,duh!) and I made an announcement to allo the club members he was a woman! XD
Me and some of my friends were also talking about God Child. The topic I brought up was," Don`t you think Maryweather is a bit of a disturbed child?" No offense to Maryweather fans.(I myself like her alot too....so cute...)
What do you think? (for those who have read it)
Don`t you also think she looks like Eve from Black Cat too?

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Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Soi Fon

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Caz's PokéPet

Kanchi the level 1 Typhlosion!

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