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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Kinda foggy
At first I thought I my glasses were dirty or something. Nope, they weren't even on (I just woke up >_>), so then I thought I was going crazy when I couldn't even see the tree in our yard. After being up for so long, I finally realized it only fog. Just another random morning for me, and today I'm actually gonna go to my friends house.

Yesterday I couldn't mainly because he had to go sign up for some classes or something for college. Before then, well, I was talking to Angel Zakuro, and when I had found out my friend had to go sign up for that stuff. Needless to say, me and Angel chatted until she had to go, and then I did some stuff around the house. Hm...I haven't played Valkyrie Profile 2 in a while...

Sorry the quality is meh.

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Monday, December 18, 2006

Am I one of the only ones on x-mas break right now? If so, then I bet I have to be back in job corps the earliest too. Jan 2nd, but lets not dwell on the downside of this vacation. According to some friends in college, they've recorded a message from someone there who wants to fight me in smash brothers melee. No, they won't tell me, they're only gonna show me on their camera, which I have to actually try and watch it. That's pretty much it for now, so I'm actually gonna try and get something done atm. What I don't know, it's only 8a.m.
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Sunday, December 17, 2006

It's almost begun...
The official first week of christmas break, and I'm gonna do my best to enjoy it more than I usually do. By that I mean probably do something crazy with some friends. I'm thinking of doing something along the lines of making something asplode...yes, asplode...or crashing something. I'm leaning toward making something asplode, nothing big, but something worth laughing at. Anyway, I'll be back to my random, ranting self tomorrow, guess I do my best on the weekdays, because being able to post like this on the weekend is crazy. Then again, as I've probably said a million times, I'm home. Speaking of which, here's Cave Story: Doukustu Monogatari!

Yup, this is where I first heard this music and decided to have it on my page (that's if you clicked it, I dunno how to make it automatic). If you're wondering what's going on, this is an optional area...for the most part. If you want the best ending AND save the girl, you have to go through...well...hell. Did I mention the player in this video is doing with 3hp? 1 hit = death

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

So much more for posting.
Turns out I liked Air TV more than I thought I would. I was planning on ranting on about something, what I don't know exactly, but plan was stopped. If you feel like watching a good anime, Air is on youtube, as well other awesome anime. But I'm pretty sure you already knew that, hm?
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So far so good.
Dad's still asleep at the moment, so I get to relax a little while longer. Nothing special's happened so far, except I found out that youtube provides you with html. Hm, I'll spare you all the rant of the lame drama at the dorm friday morning...EARLY morning.

I'm gonna kick off my youtubing with Melty Blood Last Special, and as seen, shows the special counters and then some. More posting later...

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Friday, December 15, 2006

I'll post tomorrow about what happened. It's actually kinda interesting. Anyway, I'm catching up on everyones site, and then I'm gonna look up some html codes so I can post up some youtube vids. Or, if you know who or someone who does, mind dropping a line?
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Quick post
Hey hey, just adding this short post saying I'm finally home for the holidays, but also because I"m doing yard work...ALREADY. *sigh* I'll be able to post details on the lame wait from yesterday to today this morning at 8 a.m.
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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Normal Post!
Thought I was done ranting, huh? That omake was merely me and my cronies at work. But now it's time for more random things that happened yesterday. I was attacked by....*sigh*...a bed....sadly enough. We were lifting beds and crap, and I had taken it down and the bed itself stayed up. It slowly went down but I saw some writing at the bottom of it. It was like indiana jones and that closing door, except this one actually closed down and hit me in the head.

Second incident wasn't the bed I think, but it was something solid. It happened while I fought my roommate again. Yeah, he decided it would be a good idea to smack me with a garbage in the face, while cleaning windows. I didn't let this stand and chased him into the room next door. "Five minutes dude, FIVE! Then I'm officially gonna kick your ass!" I said as I took off my glasses, hoodie, and cell phone. He says, "Alright dude, alright..." 15 seconds passed by before he tried anything, but his first move was after my arms and shoulders. He got them, but I broke out and eventually he got me again, and got me down to the ground. I somehow got out of it again and got him in some weird pin. I dunno, I locked his face to the ground (again) and like, folded his arms up to my face. "Mmmhgmmmhp" I couldn't hear him, "Speak up!" "I give up!" I was getting carried away at the moment, "Tap out!" He stayed still, "Tap out dammit!" He tapped out and that was it. Apparently I had my "serious" face on, because the1jp and Hylian were laughing their asses off. Oh yeah, taking my roommate cause me to slam my head on somehting. I think it was the bed, but Hylian said it was his bag of stuff. ....What the hell do you have in your bag dude!?

Anyway, time for a somewhat serious note. I've found myself looking forward to other things other than getting out of class and the end of the day (in job corps anyway). For example, seeing others enjoy my utter random comments, actually reading what's going on in fellow otakuite's lives and stuff, talking with said fellow otakuites, and well, again, reading everyone's stuff. Yeah, I actually look forward to reading other's posts (especially you Angel Zakuro, they're a great read, seriously).

Well, I hope this wasn't too long of a read, we get out early, sadly (in my case anyway) and we can't really go to sleep, considering we have to pick up our paychecks at 2....IN THE MORNING! *sigh* Anyway, catch ya'll later.

What are you hoping to get for christmas?

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Super Omake
Hoaryu: So yeah, I felt the need to give everyone a break today, as well as the whole of christmas break.

Matt: Bull!

Hoaryu: .......

Gabriel: Seriously, don't believe him, he's just coming up with an excuse to not do it.

Hoaryu: ANYWAY, I'm gonna be answering questions and whatnot in the comments I guess.

Casimir: More lies! You're surfing the net!

Jessica: You really shouldn't lie to the viewers.

Hoaryu: Well, since I'm NOT doing the story for a while, why the hell are you all running loose?

Carmen: What are you trying to say...
Branwen: We can do as we please.

Hoaryu: *sigh* Anyway...nevermind, there's no point to this.

Matt: Except for the fact that you know...it's for comic relief.

Hoaryu: Nothing's happened yet.

Matt: Exactly!

Hoaryu: What...the hell...

Matt: *performs random acts of...stuff*

Jessica: It's official, all the male cast are insane.

Male cast: Your point?

Jessica: ......

Hoaryu: You know what, lemme open up a new window! That's right, this super omake is brought to you LIVE!!

*opens new window*

Hoaryu: Seems as though Carmen has some fans!

Carmen: Ooh ho ho ho ho! As expected!
Branwen: Of course...

Hoaryu: Yes, it seems as though someone has pointed out that you've got a shriveled heart somewhere in that vampiric body of yours.

Carmen: ....
Branwen: ....

Hoaryu: Yeah, but people like that too. Sorry Camilla, vampires are IN nowadays.

Camilla: *pouts*

Hoaryu: And look who rolled over, friggin' Yokoslash.

Yokoslash: Wait, what? I didn't do anything yet.

Hoaryu: Precisely, which is why you're gonna have security surrounding ya.

Yokoslash: Matt and Gabriel don't count as security dude....How long are you keeping this up?

Hoaryu: How long are the readers gonna read?

Yokoslash: Depends on if any read in the first place!

Hoaryu: Oooh, low blow *in shock*

Yokoslash: I win again! *rolls away in wheelie chair*

Hoaryu: What the hell Matt, wha-what the hell!

Matt: I was on break.

Hoaryu: YOU WERE JUST ASSIGNED-...I give up.

Hoaryu: Or I could, you know, pull this stunt and see if ya'll keep reading. Seriously though, if you did or currently are-

Gabriel: That doesn't make sense!

Hoaryu: ANYWAY, thanks for reading and hopefully you've enjoyed the story so far.

Carmen: Isn't it a little late to be saying that?
Branwen: We're almost out of omake space.

Hoaryu: True...true...but still, seriously hope you like what you've read, in the actual story, and hope you continue reading.

Carmen: If they read this, I'm sure they'll...
Branwen: Read the actual thing, fool.

Hoaryu: Anyway, ya'll take a bow and wish 'em Happy Holidays. Yeah, I'm keeping it politically correct.

Everyone, even Yokoslash: Happy Holidays everybody, and for those who are unable to get on for a while, hope you all have a nice and safe Christmas Break (I have yet to call X-mas break...oops, did it once, now I'm get lazy and type it out like that from now on *laughs*)

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Holy....crap...first of all, I must say, yesterday was incredibly not boring. You ever rode a buffer? Know what one is? If you said no to the latter, not surprised, if you said yes to the first...you obviously haven't bragged about it enough. Buffers are like big motorized scubbing pads that move really, really, REALLY fast. Explanation is done, time for the good stuff. So I was pouring windex everywhere (too much as a matter of fact) and decided I didn't wanna get my socks wet. Stepping lightly didn't work, and apparently wearing sandal would leave marks in the floor. So I do the next best thing and grab a bed for balance, and lean forward to turn it on. My plan was working, except I was going BACKWARDS and towards a roommates bed...luckily only my ass was hit by the barrage of bedboard chips flying everywhere. ...You can hardly notice, but the bed on the other hand... (that's the part where you realize....yeah, just say you laughed) Oh, and if you buff, make sure your trashcan isn't in the way either, especially light plastic ones, because they WILL fly...

I pity small rodents and animals, especially when they're caught by guys. And by guys I mean the guys that find bullying those weaker and smaller than fun. Because lo and behold, a mouse was caught at the end of the hall, and I'm assuming it was hurt, because it was barely moving. Some other people from the other BAY, which is like, the other half of the building, came to see, and guess what happened? I'd rather not say, but the most I WILL say is...it didn't deserve that, there were other ways...

*sigh* So, other than those happenings along with a mosh, Hylian (who missed the buffer ride), the1jp, Will, and some other dude, felt the need fight, WWE style. Needless to say, people came to see that too.

Now here's an important question. Should I continue writing during the break? Or should I, along with it's cast, go on break also?

Oh yeah, library is being painted, and the dorm computer is out because of christmas break preparation. x_X

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