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myOtaku.com: greenday321

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

insesskomilover (07/06/07)

hey wats up...love the site...and the bg......YAY go fma go gir go...well thse last 2 rnt anime.....anyway im gonna add u hope u add me too.....bubbles!!!:)

gdluvr (07/06/07)

HIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! u live in ur brain....sweet. I'm gonna add you now. Bye!

Coyote Audra 13 (03/06/07)

HI! love the bg! come visit! i added you as a friend! ^_^ BYE!

gotega (11/07/06)

YAY GREEN DAY!! YAY MCR!! ur site rox! u should visit mine! it's under construction but u can c what i've got right now. i just noticed ur b-day is the same month as mine...kewl! i'm annin u as a friend, K? l8r. ^_^

GoTHIc MurDeRer (11/02/06)


Raine puppy (09/04/06)

Hi,I think u like rock....lol no j.k.
I lov Green Day so i was attracted here to ur username. ^^ lol that didnt sound right >

Lupin3lover (08/19/06)

I like your site alot! Keep up the great work and if you get the time check out my site. Im adding ya as a friend and when you update i will always come by and comment on some posts, hopefully you'll do the same, well-g2g-holla

Kaitoudark13 (08/19/06)

PEEWEE!!!!!! STEWY!!!!!! u r evil...just cuz...evil sister..

shinobistalker11 (08/17/06)

hey sammi! so what if im frends with ur evil sister? and dark said that? well......billy joe put a restraining order on you!!! hahaha!
ill add u as a frend. cu!

Greenday2747 (08/16/06)

Hell yeah 1st to sign your gb!!!Your site looks great!I like your backround and all the other pics that you have on your site.I hope we can be friends.pm me anytime you wish.Well i geuss you like greenday too.Well later.
