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myOtaku.com: Fantasy Hearts

Monday, January 21, 2008

:Current Site Theme:
An Cafe (a.k.a. Antic Cafe/Antique Cafe-->basically your choice xD)
:Current Site Song:
"Nyappy in the World 2" - An Cafe
nichiyoubi, nijuu ichigatsu nisenhachinen
(Sunday, 20/01/2008)
:Time Start:
:Listening To:
"Candyholic" - An Cafe

::Peace, Love, Japan, + Nyappy::

*clears throat* Ta-da! I'm back and with a new site theme *throws confetti* New themes are exciting lolz. An Cafe again-->took me FOREVER to pick a song (just way too many good ones!) let alone the background + colors! Speaking of colors, are they too sharp on the eyes? They're my favorite though ^.^v (Blame Miyavi + Miku!...+ Hello Kitty xD) Plus I noticed the finished product turned out in spirits for St. Valentine's Day <3
Lemme tell you though-->it is most embarrassing when your guestbook is signed twice when your site looks like crap cuz you're fiddling with theme ideas + colors (+ this is after a month of no new guestbook signatures-->lolz)
Okay, enough about new theme already! So on Friday I stared conditioning with the long distance team for track-->wow I'm a noob! xD All this running (Friday was a 5 1/2 mile run, I only did 4) + I've lost about 6 pounds in less than a week @_@ + I'm not eating any less either!
Speaking of track, I've probably mentioned Rio is doing it as well-->+ we're both doing long distance, meaning we'll be able to talk mroe. I've made it a point to see her more and more now. We talk at lunch and still leave notes in the lockers we share, it's so cute! (=^.^=)-->they go to school for half a day on Saturdays in Japan! Not to mention longer school hours in regular days + she lives by the coast in southwest Japan-->I tried to ask her what island she lived on, but I don't know if she said or not, didn't catch it-->I'm assuming the main island...She hopes I'll be able to visit her in Japan through a summer homestay program, but as I mentioned months ago, I think my high school has given up on that-->but I'll have to really look into it, especially if I'm able to stay in touch with her. I so long to go to Japan!!!, and I'm taking Japanese 1 at a junior college this summer, definately. *nod nod*
Well, by the time you guys read this, it'll probably be Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday--enjoy the day off all you kids in America! But seriously, what an honorable man in U.S. History-->strong in his religion and beliefs, intelligent, + a powerful voice for his people. A true timeless hero.

:Response to Comments:

lol, the "no-where land" reference was when I lived in the mountains + my school was a k-8th with a total of students + staff at 180 people-->TOTAL. Hence, it was no-where land. It was, in fact, a good 30 minutes drive to the nearest town with a grocery store + department store.
You did shotput + discus?!? Awesome! My sister did that while in the track program ^.^

:Grey Wolf:
yup school sucks, but it's not too bad taking it one day at a time. Ha, I almost played tennis last year, but ended up being too shy to xD

yeah, I feel lonely at times too--it seems people get bored with me. then again, none of my friends have similar entertainment interests with me (a.k.a. have interest in Japanese music, anime, etc.) Ouch, yeah track and asthma would not mix too well-->luckily I grew out of my asthma so I can run pretty well now.
Hey thanks for the good luck, I appriciate it!

Haha, all of my friends think I'm crazy actually enjoying running. It's so depressing-->I don't have a fellow running partner xDD
Again, thanks so much with the Japanese help! I added 'nen' to the end of the year right after reading your comment ^.^

:Listening To:
"Maple Gunman" - An Cafe
:Time End:

Sorry for the long post! =3

|Fantasy Hearts|

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