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myOtaku.com: evanescence3000

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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darkheart13 (06/12/05)

evanescence is one of my favez! i also like GC and SP! im gonna add u as a frend. buhbye!
ps: i suck at taking pictures...

MadamRyeka (05/26/05)

Your site is awsome! I was looking through my comments when I noticed that you said that you're my biggest Sayoko fan, and I just wanted to come by and sign your guest book... I hope you dun mind if I add you as a friend, please PM me when you get the chance.. Bye bye for now ^_^


BlackPendant222 (05/01/05)

omg i'm lovein your site
very cool i'll add ya as a friend
ttfn ta-ta for now

Xx beth xX (04/21/05)

Hey, cool site. I love Evanescence. I am a huge fan of theirs. I like the background a whole lot. It's awesome!! Hope it's ok if I add you as a friend!! Drop by my site some time. C ya 'round!!


casandra (04/09/05)

great site^-^ i really like evanescence. they rock :)

drop by my site if you've got time
see ya around

iluvsasuk (04/09/05)

thats nice u are a photographer or sumthing at the age 14
congrats young one. (im 14 too, but a few months older)
evanescence rocks

Droth (04/08/05)

......nice site...come by mine if you wish...c ya around...

with love,

goth faery (04/07/05)

hi cool site.I like Evanescece as well.If you don't mined I'm going to add you as a friend.And if you don't mined can you please stop by my site.

Drake Talbot (03/31/05)

Cool site, I love Evanescence as well, maybe we could be friends? Nice layout as well!

evil angel (03/27/05)

wow, your site is like one of the coolest! I love it! going to add you as a friend, I hope you don't mind.
If you get time come drop in my site or something.
Well I shall go, I'll come back l8r.
cya l8r
-evil angel

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