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myOtaku.com: Emmah

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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neji001 (02/20/07)

like your site very cool thanks for commenting on my art your the best:)

sora kairi 4ever (02/20/07)

thnks for signing my gb^^

~sora kairi 4ever~

MarisaoftheSound (02/20/07)

hey!thanks fro coming to my site!I like your av!I am going to add you!any way hope we can be friends!I like your site!its so cool!well if you need help I well try!so you can pm me if you want!see you later!

XRurouni KenshinX (02/20/07)

Hey! thanks for stopin by my site! i like your site as well, and the backround is also very effective. is it ok if I add you as a friend? anyways, ttyl! :)

LoadMusic (02/20/07)

Thanx for commenting mai GB.. ur site tis cool...im guessing its salior((i cant spell)) moon right? if not im rlly sorry...im feeling crappy((sick)) todai^^ ill add ya^^

Suri Mulan (02/20/07)

Good-day mate!
I realy appriciate the nice comments about my art.*blushes*
I thank you for signing my guestbook,
and I hope we can be friends.
Ill add you o.k?
God Bless,

-Suri Mulan

Blackcat5 (02/20/07)

Thanks fo sgining my gb.iam returing the favor.I like your site.^^


Zpt Heart (02/20/07)

Like your site it is cool. ^_^

Mew HolliBerrii (02/20/07)

Heyy, thanks so much for signing my guestbook. Sorry it toom me a little while to get back to you. I love your site. And the layout pretty much rocks. xD Add me on myspace if you get a chance, k? =] Cool. Whelp... I'ma add you as a friend. I'll try and come by whenever I can. Laters.

Siaras Kaiba (02/20/07)

Hey, thanks for stopping by, and for your kind compliments. I absolutely love your site. It's great, and vey unique. Anyway, I'm going to add you, KK? PM me for anything if you'd like!


"Let angels fly in your sanctuary.
Where fears and lies melt away."

♥ ♥


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