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myOtaku.com: desertphoenix

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Start to a New Year; a Stride for Death of an Old Life
Life....sucks. I lost who I was, and I hate who I am now. I screwed up things with school, things with friends, hopes, dreams, and most of all myself. I let myself down over the past four years, and I'm going to make a big effort this month to actually try to find me. I'm only typing this post here for the off chance that someone wondered where I went.

Starting today, I'm cutting all ties to outside living influences for the entire month of January. I'm taking this month to find as much time as I can to sit and think about my life and improve it, instead of just trying to find quick little fixes for happiness. No forums or anything about real people and issues from the internet. I'm not sure to what extent this applies to TV for me, but I never liked the news or reality shows. This also means I'm staying away from OB and TheO completely for this month. I am not even going to check on it each day, like I usually do. Already off my favorites list. I don't hate or dislike anyone there, and I doubt I'll be missed or anyone would notice, but I need to get away from it also. This applies to other sites I use to see other's opinions.

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