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Friday, October 29, 2004

75 days of posting...

Seventy five days of posting can really do a number on you. The stress of thinking of something to post about everydary, actually remembering to post everyday...but I'll never give up!

I've been doing a lot of thinking about what I'm going to do after the competition's over. I mean, will I continue to post everyday out of habit or will I fall back into my old habit of only posting every few days or so. Its all a mystery, really. I guess I'll see when it comes to that time...lets just hope its not soon.

I'll have to get up early tomorrow so I can post before my mom picks me up because after that its over to Alexa's house for her birthday party. I still have to make her and send her a bunch of birthday cards with her favorite Anime characters on them. I'll get to it later tonight though, after I read a few chapters of Naruto =P

Onto what I was complaining about yesterday.

Travis and Jerome really fucking pissed me off yesterday. It all started during Social Studies. See, Travis sits next to me in Social Studies and Jerome sits behind me, so they thought it'd be funny to throw paper wads into my hair. Definitely not fucking funny. Aside from that, Travis was also poking me in the side with his pencil, Jerome poked me in the back a few times and then later during Social Studies when we had to get into randomly picked groups to review the Articles of Confederation, he tossed paper wads at my head. Atleast that time he got in trouble =P

I would tell on them, but then they'd bother me even more and call me names like "tattle-tale" and "snitch". Fucking idiots...that's all I'll say.

Then, it got even worse during Math. Jerome sits next to me in Math(See, I sit next to Jerome in almost every single class because he comes right after me in alphabetical order and most teachers arrange the seating charts by that) so he decided to poke me, or try to anyhow, all hour.

He didn't try to do it again after I kicked him a few times in the shin and in the stomach. *grins and laughs* We finally settled on a truce at the end of class.

*sighs* Thank god next week is the first week of the new Marking Period and that always means that all of the teachers will be giving us a new seating chart in their classes. ^_^

I talked with my mom and about switching my webhost yesterday. She said it'd be fine if I did. I told her I had one in mind but that it was a bit more expensive then Yahoo!'s costing, but I told her I was still looking around for a cheaper one that'll give me what I want, so she told me to keep looking and if I don't find anything that she'll let me switch to the more expensive one.

The only reason I want to change webhosts is because Yahoo! wont let me use .shtml files, which are the kind of files I need right now because I need to use SSI coding in my webpages. Other than that, its really the only reason I want to switch.

So, any suggestions?


Day: 75

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Thursday, October 28, 2004


I don't think the Haunted Forest was all its cracked up to be. But maybe that was because we had to be in the front of the group so we saw all of the people who were going to jump out and try to scare us before everyone else did. I skipped soccer practice for it and I don't even think it was really worth it. *shrugs*

I had a really, bad frickin' day...meh, but I'll get into the details of that tomorrow when I have more time. But until then... *puts on a video summarizing what happened today*


Day: 74

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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

And there'll be a video clerk who will read passages from PlayBoy in my honor.

Whee, new ideas for my story are always great. ^_^

Anyway, today, Xio and I were jumping on her trampoline. We were discussing a certain scene that I could never fit into my story, that had to do with Xio's characters past and then, suddenly, it hit me. The absolute perfect idea hit me.

After I finish writing the "After Story Extras" I shall write a few "Characters Pasts" and then a "Things That Would Never Ever Happen and Could Never Ever Happen In A Million Years". The first passage for the "Things that would...Years" is going to be entitled "Chibi Beach Party" =P You can attempt to guess at what that's about if you'd like, but I doubt your going to figure it out! The first passage for "Characters Pasts" will be entitled, "Xio, the Grade A Scholar".

Math Club was fun...as per usual. Some other things happened today. Burnination of leaves. Kenshin, Oro? Boring school...

Other happenings after school at Xio's house were playing games and watching Strong Bad emails at Home Star Runner.com. Haha, visit her site and read the "Strong Libs" we made. They're hilarious.

Sweet. After soccer practice tomorrow, my dad and Josie are taking me to the Haunted Forest. Yay!


Day: 73

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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Calm down, its just a game of cards!

I dunno. Can I really write an update that'll top yesterday's?


Or not.

Nothing interesting comes to mind. No odd recent happenings or big decisions to make. People in class like to snoop through my binder and some have started reading my story. So I gave out a link to my story archive just to get them to leave me alone.

Kids in class have been really bothersome. So bothersome I wish I could just beat them up right in the middle of class. I mean, this kid, his name's Travis and he sits next to me in Social Studies. You know what he does all hour? Pokes me in the side with a pencil, laughs about it and tries to blame it on Jerome who sits behind me and could have never poked me in the side from where he is.

He's a prick. An annoying prick and I hate him.

You know what? I hate so many people at this school, that I've got a frickin' "Grudge List" of people I plan on "getting back at" someday. Oh, they'll pay. They'll pay for what they did to me. Whether there thirty years old and don't even remember what the hell they did, they'll pay. Oh yeah..

If you can't tell, I'm in quite a bad mood. I'm just...ticked off and want to beat someone up. Thank god for practice on Thursday. If it weren't for that I don't know where I'd put all this excess anger.

Math Club's tomorrow. How fun...


Day: 72

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Monday, October 25, 2004

Yes, that's right. Just remember we parked in Aisle C3 *pronounces the 'A' and 'S'*

Correct me if I'm mistaken, Shin, but if my calendar is correct(and it usually is *worships the almighty calendar*), then today should be the 71st day of the contest. I have no idea why Sen was off...but, the contest started on the 16th of August and today is the 25th of October, so yeah, today should be the 71st day of the contest.

And if its not...*pulls out liter and holds it up to calendar*

Today, we were supposed to go to the Haunted Forest(and if you have any idea what the Haunted Forest is, good for you! Basicly its a forest filled with people who jump out at you or something like that. I've never been able to go...) but unfortunately, we were deceived and found out that it wasn't even going on tonight.

So, instead, we headed over to the...



No, I didn't gamble...I swear. Nah, we went to the arcade and played the games there. It was pretty fun. Lonnie and I got pretty involved into a Jurassic Park III shoot-em-up game. We were so ticked when we ran out of money. *growls* But, my step-uncle Alvin and step-aunt-to-be Brandy won some tickets and they got me and Blaike some prizes. I got a cool blow up dumbell and Blaike got a hand buzzer with the leftover tickets.

Haha, when we were leaving the casino, Alvin looked up at the signs in the parking lot and said:

"Hey, aren't we parked in Aisle C3?"

He completely pronounced the "A" and the "S" making it said as: eye-zul. XD It was quite funny when I made a joke about it. *indicates subject*

But now onto some more...serious matters if you should like to call them that.

*coughs* Yes, the thought of someone as rambunctious and wild and crazy as me being serious is quite a hard thing to imagine, isn't it?

But, yes, this is serious. Most certainly.

And the subject is: counseling.

My mom talked to me the other day about it. I think it was after the game on Sunday(I'll get to the results of that in a minute). She brought it up somehow and said that she had been wanting to go to counseling to overcome a few issues that her and I both went through before and after she divorced my dad. She suggested that I should come to, but that I didn't have to. I know its not manditory for me to go, but if my mom is really serious about going through with it, then I will go with her.

Its not like its a really big issue. Plus, I do have things kept inside of me that I've told no one of that'd I'd like to get out. Nothing serious like being molested or beaten, just some emotions that I've suppressed. Along with a few memories that I'd like to forget.

To me, it seems as if everyone that I know who are my age, my friends, my classmates, none of them have gone through anything that I have. And if any of them have or ever do, I'm sure they couldn't handle it as well as I could. I'm just.......well, I'm just able to take in things such as insults better than most people can. Sure, I may act tough and beat the crap out of somebody for it or I may act like it really didn't bother me, but most of the time...it really does hurt inside and its just adding to the pain that's already welled up inside of me.

Damnit, I could go on for hours complaining about how bottled up I am right now and how fucked up and unnatural my life has really been, and I'm sure you guys would want me to express this kind of stuff to get it out so I'll feel better....

But I can't and wont do that now...maybe some other time...some time...soon. Not reall soon like next week, but...soon...

Ahem. Onto the soccer game!

We kicked the other team's ass with a shutout score of 8-0!

I did extremely well in the game. I was all over, blocking balls here, stealing balls there, surprising another player by sneaking up behind them and swiping the ball...I was just so confident and felt so good. My mom even said that I looked as if I'd become a lot more confident since last year, even since last game! I felt so awesome yesterday...I was awesome yesterday. I was pulling off my best moves and I even almost made a goal. No shots got past me in goal; hell, I barely even had to block any balls at all.

I even earned a new nickname for myself. Well, I earned it last week but people started calling me by it yesterday: the Wall. Yes, the Wall. I am the unstoppable Wall. =P

Okie dokie then...I'm done now.


Day: 71

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Sunday, October 24, 2004

And then there were five...

TehSillyCircus 2 is really starting to wind down now. The contest is at sixty-eight days and as of today Sara and OtakuSennen have officially been knocked out from the contest, leaving five people left standing. Now with Sen out of the running, I'm going to have to continue to count the days on my own. Its not going to be too hard; I've been marking every single day that I post on my calendar at my mom's house so I make sure that I remembered to post and then I've written the day number in the corner of the little box. So anyone who's counting the day *coughsShinmarucoughs* can count on me to have the correct day.

The remaining contestants:

Ah, lots of pluggage today. I haven't really plugged anyway in while. You'd probably have to go a few pages back into my archives to actually find a post where I plugged a few people.

Oh, and sorry about not updating the Story Archive yesterday. My computer kind of froze up on me when I was attempting to open a file on my floppy a so I had to restart the thing and I forgot to update it...heh.

I watched Read Or Die last night. The second time it came on. I never got to finish watching it but I saw most of it. It was pretty cool; I liked it a lot. I wish I hadn't of fallen asleep during the end of it. I would have liked to have seen all of it, but I guess I'll just have to try to watch it some other time. *shrugs*

*cries hysterically* I hate my floppy disk. You don't even want to know what it did. *indicates destroyed story file(s)* It completely massacred them! Now I'm going to have to start all over...well, not exactly. I do have the story Archive that I can retrieve stuff from, but I want to rewrite the stuff that I have there, too. So, I guess you'll all have to wait just a little bit longer for more of my story. *apologizes for about an hour while destroying her floppy disk* Atleast I've still got one chapter of my story that I started typing up.

See, the floppy disk had chapter 1 almost completely typed up on it and the beginnings of chapter 2 typed on it. Then, my laptop, if I remember correctly, has the beginnings of chapter 3 typed on it. All is not lost! Yay!

Maybe the massacring of my files was a good thing. Maybe it was meant to be...Ah, who am I kidding? It was a goddamn evil thing that it did! And I'm blaming it all on my laptop and Norton AntiVirus. (long story, I'd rather you not ask)

I finally think I've got the final layout for my website finished. I've been dissatisfied with how it had been looking so I'd been tinkering with it and I've finally got it how I do believe I like it. Next up is to work on a different banner and splash image, then tinker around with the anime and manga sections layouts. I've got a few ideas in mind for those, too. Something completely different from what I've got in some of them now.

I haven't worked on MGP as of yet...but I plan on re-opening TAD soon, so maybe after I re-open TAD I'll get to working on MGP...maybe. We'll see when I get there.


Day: 68

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Saturday, October 23, 2004

Teh creative spree of teh DDG continues

I had quite a bit of a wallpaper creating spree last night. I think I created 4 or 5. I'm not completely sure how many it was; I'd have to go and count. I plan on making a ton more today. I'm not sure what they'll be of, but I'll think of something.

This computer's been downloading exra slow lately. Its been taking almost double its normal time to download Naruto manga chapters and its really ticking me off. I only read six chapters last night and I'll probably read even less tonight. I started downloading this chapter at around 5:20 and its 6:13 PM right now...well, speak of the devil, its done downloading!

*pops off to read it*

Ok, before I read it I guess I'll tell you all my plans for the day. I figure I should update the story archive since I'm so neglective about doing so...*sweatdrops* heh

Then I'll try and work on my website(I don't know if I really want to though. I'm planning on changing to a webhost who I can use .shtml files on, so I can use SSI coding). If I don't work on TAD then I'll work on my Anime Listing and Manga listing and actually get started on MGP(Mature Game Play, which you might remember me mentioning quite awhile ago...). Tre hasn't been bugging me about it much, but I figure I should get started on it...

Well, I better be off and doing that stuff...*waves and zones out to read Naruto*


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Friday, October 22, 2004

I'm just like any other person; except in the fact that I'm better than everyone else.

The Zoro picture is up. Go look at it and vote. I demand it!

Today was a normal Friday. Nothing too exciting happened. I finished reading Saiyuki last night, brought it and GTO(Great Teacher Onizuka) to school. Gave Saiyuki to Xio and read GTO throughout the day, finally finishing it just as Spanish ended.

Hehe, that's such a funny manga. Its kind of hard to read it during school because of the kinds of things that are pictured, but I mananged. I think I'm going to be buying more volumes...

I read the two pages of Naruto chapter 64 that I didn't get to read last weekend and now I'm downloading 65. *taps fingers* I'm so impatient when I'm waiting for Naruto...but I can do it. don't you all worry. In the meantime I think I'm going to make another Saiyuki wallpaper. This time one of Hakkai and then one of Goku to finish off the group. I think after Saiyuki I'll make a GTO wallpaper...hmm...maybe. We'll see how things go.

Yay! My dad's playing my game for me. He's racing my Grunties and says he'll help me with my item list and beat the Goblins for me. He's so nice. *hugs*

Well, I'm done for today. Maybe I'll have something interesting to say tomorrow...*highly doubts it*


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Thursday, October 21, 2004

Yay! Manga!

I went to Sam Goody after practice today and bought Saiyuki #3(for Xio) and was going to buy One Piece #2 for myself, but they didn't have it. T_T So I bought GTO, which looked pretty good.

I'm about a quarter of the way through with Saiyuki right now. I would be farther but I couldn't read it in the car because it was too dark. =P

Practice was pretty tough today. It was more of a "fun day" practice because we got to pick what we wanted to do, but by the end of it we all were pretty tuckered out. Darnit, we were playing World Cup and I was so close to scoring so many times...and it was nearing the end of practice so the coaches said that the next team who scores, wins. Kelsey(the other goalie on the team) had partnered up with me and we picked Guatemala as our country. We came so close to winning...darnit. I think it was the team who had chosen Greece who won...or was it Holland? I can't remember...

Anyway, not much of interest happened today. Except that I've been arguing with people about the election. Then my mom and I got into a discussion before we arrived at the field for soccer practice. Our ideas about the election and who we favor are just about the same, heh. I guess I kind of take after her in who I feel is the better candidate.

Oh, yeah, and during Jumpstart, we had to watch this stupid student led conferences movie, but before we went into the room to watch it in, I spotted this hilarious comic with Bush and Cheney on it and had to show it to Xio. It was hanging on the outside of a High Schoolers locker. It was pretty funny. From what I remember, it went something like:

Cheney- We've found no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.
Bush- But I know Saddam's still got to have some! My father sold him plenty in the 80's!

*giggles* I'm extremely anti-Bush... *pulls out "Don't re-elect President Bush" and "Down with Bush!" signs*

I can't believe tomorrow's Friday already. Which means I'll be able to put my Zoro picture up, yay! Woohoo! Yippee!

*hears stomach growl* I'm really hungry right now...so, I'm going to go make a grilled cheese sandwhich while I wait for the pizza in the oven to be done. ^_^


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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

*rubs eyes*

I'm sleepy...I just woke up from an hour long nap that I took when I got picked up from Xio's after Math Club...and I'm still really tired. I plan on going and laying back down after I post this...

I learned...stuff today in school. Of course I learn "stuff" everyday but I learned new stuff...unfortunately, I'm too tired to talk about what I learned.

I took a bunch of quizzes today when Xio and I were on the internet...then we played Peasant's Quest and finally beat Trogdor!(I think, I had to leave when she was speaking to Trogdor, so I don't know what happened afterwards)

Mm. I'm done now...too tired...


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