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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Oh My Stars and . . . More Stars

Bet you though I was going to say something else in the title, didn't you?

Well, last night I sat down with my Photoshop Elements 2 program, and a tutorial I roughly jotted down on a piece of paper from a link brought to my attention by whtdragon. The end result is this surprising starfield. The tutorial onmaking a star field is simple to follow, and can be done in Photoshop Elements 2, you don't need a full version of Photoshop to do it. The planet tutorial, is one I still need to work on. There are a couple things in it that aren't availabe in Photoshop Elements, so I have to improvise a little. Whtdragon made a couple suggestions that I'll be trying out later to see what comes about. If I like what I get, I'll post the results here.


One does not need a nationally mandated holiday to take the time to be thankful for the things they have. You can do it any day of the week. It's the expression of being thankful that's what the holiday is about, not getting the day off from work or school, having the family over, or eating a lot of food.

Turkey doesn't have to be a special ocassion meal. Anything you can do with beef, you can do with turkey as well.

Since it was after everyone ate, no one would have minded if the turkey hit the floor, but all's good.

Well, some people tell me I have a crazy way of doing things. All I can tell you is you don't really know till you try ~_^ I'm addicted to the internet in general, but I'm better about the time I spend online now than I used to be. RP is one of my rimary activities for the creative outlet it affords me.

A conversation with yourself? Really?

Voice: That's what she said.

Me: I know, I was being clever.

Voice: Actually, no, not really, just stupid.

Me: Now that was rude Kaz.

Kazuo: Don't blame me for that. I'm not the one who created me you know.

Me: I tried to kill you off once before too mister, but you came right back remember?

Kazuo: I'm a stubborn little bugger aren't I?

Me: You don't have to be you know. I can just as easily turn you into a wuss.

Kazuo: Now who's being rude?

Me: You're absolutely right, that was rude, now go away, I need to finish this.

Kazuo: (voice getting quieter) Well of all the nerve! I come by just to talk to him and . . .(voice fades out in background.

I used to drive the guys on the boards nuts with stuff like that. I'd break the fourth wall so to speak, having my characters (in this case Kazuo, one of my early ones) talk to me about the plot points of the RPs sometimes, and other times just spout nonense.

It would be interesting to see what it's like here in ten years time.

Kazuo: Aw! you're seintimental!

Me: I told you to go away already (fire breath)

Kazuo:(runs away patting out the fire on his backside)

Anyway, yeah, It would be interesting to see who's still with us, who's gone, what new friends we've met and lost along the way. I'll stay here as long as I can, because I love the community, you guys have done a lot for my self-esteem and personality. I'll hold onto that for as long as I am able.

I keep track of things as best I can, and if I have to look up a post to get an idea what's going on I do.

Same here, have a good weekend.

Yeah, it was all right, and everything was better than expected.

Putting things away is like a logic puzzle. The idea is to get everything to fit within the volume of your refrigerator, without overfilling it (doesn't cool down properly if overfilled). i like logic puzzles like that, they're fun.

Even though for me it was just the immediate family and one friend, it was still a special evening. I'll look for you post in the afterernoon, knowing how turkey is, you'll probably be asleep in the morning.

It was fun, and enjoyable.

That's a good answer, there are no right and wrongs here, but I like the way you've expressed your thoughts there.

We had our dinner on Tuesday, but the holiday is still the holiday, even though my family works. I'll enjoy the TV specials and everything else that will be on all weekend just like I always do.

It would have to be artificially flavored to be white, or blue. The natural red color of the strawberry makes the lemonade turn pink, there's no way to avoid that. You could probably get a decent purple if you used strawberries in that blue raspberry juice that's in the stores though.

It's actually a friend's board, but you're welcome over there. I see you've joined up already. The best ice-breaker would be to post a new thread On the Hello/Goodbye board. That'll get people interested, and talking with you.

That kind of thing happens sometimes. If you'd like, I could help you create a reasonably strong character in terms of Bio and some abilities.

Anime Dreams!

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