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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Let's see Yesterday Sucked. I had to run laps in PE (we have the choice of do what everyone else is doing or run and I hate volleyball), then I had lunch detention which I seriously didn't expect to be as bad as it was, and I flunked out on an essay thing I had to write for my science teacher that I now have to write over....

Today is going to suck too. I have picture day today... I hate picture day. I like getting out of class but pictures aren't really my thing. I would rather take pictures of other people then take pictures of myself... and knowing my luck, I have to go BACK to lunch detention because I couldn't finish the math worksheet we had to do........ I really don't want to go to school today.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tired and BORED... again
I swear I am always bored! Why can't I seem to ever find anything to do???? Oh wells....... Maybe I can do my math homework for the next couple of days...... no.... And I say I'm bored now....

Does anyone have anything that I might be able to do (other then the quizzes on here, I've already done about 93% of them)?

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   Yesterday was awful....
My parents argue to much... It really gets annoying listening to the same argument over and over again (you need to get a job is the key subject, and my dad is trying). I swear I keep waiting for one of them to pull the papers. My moms already threatened to before.

Let's see what else happened yesterday... oh yeah I had this really stupid rebellious thing going yesterday and skipped out on homework, now I have lunch detention (which actually isn't that bad, I don't have to sit out in the 110 degree Arizona sun). I flunked out on a social studies quiz...... I want to move... I hate living here (in Arizona). I seriously need a change of scenery.

1. What is perfect???

2.If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

3.If you met Inuyasha what would be the first thing you say/do?

me I...

1. Don't really know what perfect is, that's why I'm asking.

2. I don't really care where I live so long as it has an Atomic Comics and Barnes and Nobles somewhere near it (Atomic Comics and Barnes and Nobles are my favorite stores) and is green (like forests or rolling fields, something like that)

3. I would probably try touching his ears like everyone else.

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

   Today is getting better...
So quickly. It's hard to keep up. I finally found people to talk to. And I just realized that I'm already farther then most people are on their reports ( due Wednesday). Today is getting so much better.

I feel like starting daily questions like every one else...

1. Do you believe in perfect people?

2.What anime would you live in if you could live in an anime?

3. do you have a myspace?

1. yes (I think I just met one...)

2.Hunter X Hunter

3. Yes

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   Bored... I'm bored at lot lately... More Kirby
Well, compared to yesterday today sucked. I had to finish cleaning out my sister's toy box (which was super fun because I got to through away 90% percent of her toys) and the playroom (which took hours!).

I had an awesome dream last night (which I haven't had in a LONG TIME). It had Gin Ichimaru in it from Bleach. He's so cool... kinda creepy but cool. To bad I can't remember what happened in the dream.........

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

   BORED... (kirby is so cute!)
I can't wait to get this next week over. I have... like... three reports due next week. And knowing my luck the other teachers are going to start dropping homework on us like crazy...... sometimes I was school was just a big social party and we didn't actually need to learn anything.

I saw The Simpson's Movie earlier. The movie itself wasn't all that but there where these three boys sitting near me making stupid noises ( I think trying to make me laugh...). It was so funny. Especially when they were moving seats before the movie started. One of them got up and was looking for a seat closer to the screen and saw me laughing (one of his friends that was at the time sitting behind me was making fart sounds) and said to his friend as he sat back down "that chick up there is cracking up" making them do it even more. Then almost every time the screen went black (like between scenes and whatnot) they would make those same stupid noises and look back to see if i was laughing. It was so fun.

What else... I also got to get Hunter X Hunter vol. 16 (I wonder haw many there are in the actual series...). I haven't read it all the way yet, but Hisoka fans are going to LOVE this volume.

Well Bye bye peoples!

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Well I guess I'm not going to shut down (why are habits so hard to break????).
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Thursday, August 23, 2007

   I HATE LITTLE KIDS ( more accurately my sister)
The flippin' idiot wouldn't listen to me the other day when I told her she was going to start crap with someone and they were going to get her and she said, and I quote "I don't need you to protect me. I'm strong and BRAVE. I can take care of myself." ... what happens? Every neighborhood boy gangs up on her... Dumb-butt. Then today the same kids tried jumping her again, and I nearly got in a fight with one of them, trying to defend her sorry.... *sigh* little kids are so stupid. Now my mom has the local sheriff involved( since we live in the middle of B.F.E. we don't have an actual police force) and she's talked to one of the parents already and she's going to talk to the other one later.


Let's see what else... My math teacher was trying to torture us, my social studies and reading teachers are helping my math teacher (my math teacher gave us like five different assignments then the other teachers, who normally don't give us homework, gave us a bunch too)...

My Day Sucked Today.........

Oh! Wait it didn't completely suck... my social studies teacher has like a mini library in the back of his class and he bought a book about the Code of the Samurai, just so I could read it.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

   Otaku = 4 (again) normies = 2
..... I give up... That one friend that I was trying to get into anime, I'm not talking to her anymore. She was trying to start crap with my friends earlier. I hate people like that.

And another friend of mine owes me $7 because she ruined Hunter x Hunter vol. 2 (she got it wet some how). I'm not really mad at her though. I've known her to long to get mad at her about something like that.

I found a book in the library that is supposedly someone's diary. It's actually pretty good... I wasn't really expecting it to be. She has problems (the girl writing the diary in the book). She talks about how her life sucks A LOT in her diary... and she lives in Arizona too.

I'm bored... I'm going to see if anyones on Myspace. BYE!!

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

   WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?????????????
For nearly the last month I have tortured myself (at least that's what my friends call it, I gave up soda and Ice Cream) and for what?! To gain ten pounds... I don't get it. I've been watching my diet, I haven't had soda in a MONTH, nope no soda - water and milk only, nothing with sugar, I practically walk across campus to get from one class to another not to mention the block long walk to and from the bus stop. I don't get it. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG???

I'm surprised. You know those posts on the TheOtaku homepage? I practically wrote an essay for a reply to one of them. It was the longest comment I HAVE EVER POSTED ON ANYTHING (it was the oop about what you hate most in anime).

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