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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

   Refelection of Creative Writing Class: Spring 2008
Reflection of Creative Writing Spring 2008

I’ve improved so much this year. I know now though, that my skills as a writer (and an artist) defiantly flux with my true emotions. I don’t mean the mood, and emotions I seem to be, and show most of the time either. Like at the beginning of the class, I was essentially depressed. I wouldn’t show anyone, not even myself in a way—I would always deny it.

I only really got better after getting back from Animazement 2008. I really needed that trip out of town, because after that—drawing and writing became so much easier! I felt so much lighter; I could feel myself smiling all the time when I was alone. It was then that I realized that I really was in denial about depression. Just because other people don’t see me doing it, doesn’t mean it never happened.

Besides my emotions improving, I know my general skills as a writer have evolved. Whenever I wrote stories, I never finished them. They started off strong, but died after I got done writing 2, or 3 pages. I know now that the length isn’t the most important thing, in fact shorter is usually better!

There is always room for improvement! So I’ll always be growing as a writer, especially now that I know how to end stories, and keep poems flowing. My rhythm isn’t perfect, but it’s something.

I hope to keep writing over the summer, about my drawings, and with my friends. Here’s hoping—happy summer.

Aurora Silverwood
Assignment 33

::So ends a wonderful school year::

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