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myOtaku.com: yamisgirl

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Mai711 (09/11/05)

luv ur site!i'm addin u and i hope u swing by sometime 2!Yu-gi-oh fans gotta stick 2gether!

das wolf (09/06/05)

kewl site wow lot of yugioh mind if i add u as a friend?

animegurl44 (09/03/05)

Hey! Thanx 4 signing my guestbook. I luv ur site its reallie kool~Yami & Yugi look so cute together^^ ~
oo ya, im adding u as mah friend, k, byez!

junkoba kaiba (09/03/05)

Hello! I saw you signed my GB and wanted to stop by your site too! I'm adding you as a friend if you don't mind.

never ending bond (08/28/05)

Hiya! You have such an awsome site up! Yami and I absolutly love your theme! Oh ya... did I mension? Your wallpapers are really good! I love them! I can't wait to see your new wallpapers! Hehe... I'm going to add you as a friend... why? uh... Since you are my new best friend! Have a good day!
~Yugi Mutou

Hiya! Yami here! Yugi told me to sign your guestbook as well... so I guess I am right now... You have an amazing site Yamisgirl, I see protential in you... I know you are a great friend so, I'm going to add you to my friends list as well, I hope to see more great achevements in your life! see ya around!
~Yami Yugi

PS. I know we are going to be great friends! Maybe we will have an internal bond that will never shadder and break just like Yami and I have... we will find out soon! Have a great day! And and always remember... I'm always here for you....

Katsuyo KO (08/21/05)

Hi there! Love your site! The background is awesome!
I think I'll add you as a friend ok?
Katsuyo KO :P

Panny (08/19/05)

Hi there! Thank you for signing my GB!! Yami and Yugi, there always so sweet!^^I LOVE your site! It's awsome!


Daff-Power (08/18/05)

Eya ^_^
Thnx signing my GB. I see you're into YuGiOh! as well. ^^ awesome stuff. We all know it rules! ^-^ I'll add ya as a friend as well. See ya around ^^

oceans breeze (08/16/05)

i love ur site! the bg, avi, everything! mind if i add u as a friend? ttyl!^^

grimreaper666 (08/14/05)

hey kewl site keep ut up ill addu as a friend

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