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myOtaku.com: YamiLover03

Saturday, January 7, 2006

   Hey, break's almost over... but at least there's Yami!
Hey everyone! This is my last few days of break, nooo! T_T Oh well… I suppose I’ll live… Guess what?!? I got to everybody’s sites!! Yup! Everyone that has updated since 12/15/05! Whoo!
In Yu-Gi-Oh News:
There is finally a new ep of Yu-Gi-Oh today!!! Yaaaaaaay!!!
Umm… I read all of the manga I got! lol I didn’t know that it was possible, but I think Yami is even hotter in the mangas!! LOL seriously.. So hot.. and oh so very sweet! ^_^ But I also got a Chobits manga yay! And you know what’s funny? I got my bro to wanna buy mangas too! I got him one for Christmas and now he wants all 42 of them!! lol Well, I think that’s enough rambling from me! -_-’ so here is the quote challenge results!
The last quote was said by Mai! In the ep where they were in that virtual game and Joey was pigging out when they got to that Princess’s castle! Uhh… But sadly no one got it right…
Ah well, here’s the next quote!
“Ooh, you’re looking snazzy Tea, is this a date?”
Good Luck ^_~

Alright, storytime! (wow did that really sound like a kindergarten teacher to you? XD) Starting off, of course, where I left off last time, which was with a new character which means a profile! Ok here you are!

Name: Kanika
Age: 18
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(again like that except that she doesn't have that big weapon and of course, she's wearing Egyptian clothes)
She is, a baddie, and she’s after Atem, maybe she’s jealous, maybe she likes him.. But she’s certainly weird and mysterious..

“What is it Nakia? Who else is here? Who did this?!” Atem said asked desperately wanting to know who took his little sister.
“Oh don’t worry, you’ll find out very shortly” someone started coming out from the darkness. It was a girl about Atem‘s age, and she looked quite angry.
“Who are you!?” Atem asked angrily.
“I am Kanika.. Thank you for coming..” she said smirking, “I knew you would”
“Nakia, I want you to go with Tahirah for a little, ok? She’ll take care of you..” Atem whispered to Nakia from behind him. Nakia, with some tears still in her eyes, hesitated but nodded and went over by Tahirah at the door.
“Aw, is the child leaving, that’s no fun.. She was a bit of a troublemaker though..” she said smirking even more.
“How dare you… despicable..” Atem said his senses flaring, “Tahirah, I want you to take Nakia and get out of here..”
“B-but I can’t just--” Tahirah said protesting shakily and worriedly.
Atem half turned around to look at her “Come on Tahirah, just do this ..for me..”
As she looked back at him, straight into his eyes, she knew he was very serious and knew what he was doing. Then her face heated up, she felt very strange, almost dizzy, but she knew she had to follow his wishes. She nodded at him, grabbed Nakia’s hand and turned to leave.
“Ah-ah! Where do you think yo’re going!?” Kanika said suddenly flicking a dagger right past Atem, hitting the panal next to the door. Tahirah froze and turned back around.
“Are you insane?” Atem said furriated.
“No… just, let’s say, restless…” she walked over past Atem, as she did he turned so he could watch her, and walked towards the door and yanked out the dagger. “Ahh, and who’s this?” she said lining Tahirah’s cheek with the flat of the knife. “A new girlfriend, perhaps?” At this Tahirah blushed, as Kanika put the dagger away. “You’ve got a hot one there girl..” Kanika whispered in Tahirah’s ear. Tahirah half gasped as she tried to inch back away from her.
“Stop this! Right now!” Atem said getting very angry, trying to move closer to Tahirah to protect her, but Kanika moved in front of him.
“Ooh, you are hot..” she moved closer to him and moved her hand down his chest, “Fiesty, but noble.. For sure.. To have such a girlfriend.. She looks like a lowly peasant to me..”
“Look, she’s not--” but he was cut off.
“Shh..” Kanika put her finger to his lips, Atem felt pretty disgusted “Really now?”
“What do you want!?”
“Ooh, don’t have to be so mean..” she said as he snarled, “and what if I said it was you?”
At this point, Tahirah felt strangely very scared for Atem, “please just let us get out of here..” she thought.
“Let us go!” Atem demanded.
“Aww, do I have to?” she paused for a minute “I suppose.. I’ll just see you again..” she smirked again.
“She is just toying with me.. But this is my only chance..” Atem thought. He smiled, as to play along, “Fine.. I shall see you again then..”
She smiled, obviously convinced, “Good, I can’t wait..” she said very close up to his face, but backed away as to let them go.
Suddenly, Atem flashed around to her quickly, and grabbed her dagger. “Hmph.. Looks like I’ve got the upper hand now…” he smiled, as both Kanika and Tahirah looked a bit shocked.

And that’s where I’m ending it today! I hope you like it! I'm sorry, it's long, I know! I hope I'm not annoying anyone! Cause if I am just tell me then i'll just like move this or something... Please tell, because I do not want to bore and/or annoy you guys! T_T Cause I know I don't have a poll for you guys, which would make it quite boring.. it's hard to think of one.. but I shall definitely try next time! And for those who are wondering, I did get an account on fanfiction.net! I did so because xFemaleYamiYugix suggested it and I thought it was cool, so soon I shall probably post this story on it so that people who have only read parts of it can read the rest easily! ^_^

Well, this week was pretty fun, after going to my Nonna’s house with my cousins and then going over to Shippos1Fan’s house to spend the night, so I’m pretty happy right now except for now I have all of my schoolwork to do before I go back from break.. -_-’
Ok everyone I hope you have and excellent week!!
Love Y’all!! Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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