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myOtaku.com: X Shadowme X

Friday, September 21, 2012

What having ADHD is like (for me):

You wake up with memories of converstations that never actually happened playing in your head. More than likely, it's left over from a dream you had that night or it's leftover from your brain working on/interacting with characters from a story you're writing or it's simply your brain saying "what if this happened?" and then coming up with a scenario. In any case, you have the uncontrollable urge to repeat these conversations outloud, so you do, usually while pacing or walking from place to place.
Sometimes you get lost in your own thoughts and lose track of time.

I don't anymore because I have a shedule to keep and I'm adjusted to that schedule, but I used to, all the time, and be late for practically everything as a result.

If you take medication, you take it with or after breakfast because if you don't you get really severe migraines and concentrating on one task at a time becomes that much harder. Even after you take the medication, your thoughts stay sporadic, but you're more aware of it so when voicing the thoughts it's more easier to express them in a rational, more chronological order so everything you say/write doesn't sound like: "Yeah, I had a pretty good day, I just think purple is a stupid color. OMG, FOOTBALL!! Because purple is the team color of the Baltimore Ravens and they play this weekend. What do you think of dinosaurs?"

Side-effects of medication include: dehydration, dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, your guts spasming up your throat so you sort of dry heave all morning, depletion of personality, and a few more glamorous ones I'm too tired to remember right now.

If you don't take medication, you simply eat breakfast and get ready for the day like a "normal" person and then go about your day like a "normal" person, but more random, distant, and occasionally(sp?) more energetic.
Random, unrelated thoughts continuously pop into your head. For exemple, you'll be in math class, copying down a problem when a silly picture of a cat playing on a yoga ball pops into your head and you'll burst out laughing for no apparent reason.

You are only "easily distracted" when you're doing something you don't love.

For exemple, when I'm not on medication and am drawing or writing a story or whatever, I can block out the rest of the world for hours. But when I'm doing math or biology homework and I honestly couldn't care less, I can't focus for the life of me. Interestingly, the medication in a way makes it harder to focus because it forces me to be fully, mentally present for EVERY. SINGLE. THING that's happening in the room. Loud noises don't bother me as much when I'm unmedicated because I can block them out, but when you're on medication you can't block out ANYTHING.

Annnnd. I think that's it.

Sorry if I just wasted everyone's time. I just figured if you guys knew what it's like to have ADHD, you'd understand how weird it is for me to be medicated into experiencing some weird, second rate reproduction of how a "normal" person goes through life. Twas meant to be edumacational. :P

Now, onto the actual post:

ujahujsjuuihius... I'm SOOO sore. >.< I have self-defense class every Thursday nights and we learned how to punch and kick properly last night and now everything hurts.

I also found out that there is a genre of games in Japan where the object of the game is to stalk, bind, torture and rape women.
My reaction:

I gues I shouldn't have been surprised because it's Japan and practically everything they make has pornographic elements and undertones--Notice how I said PRACTICALLY--but I was and still am.

I mean, it's one thing to create violent cartoon porn. It's not ideal, but it's not anything worse than what goes on in American mass media. But normalizing and trivializing rape and pedophilia and torture is just plain fucking misogynist and hateful and sickening.
When I heard about it, I honestly did not want to live on this planet anymore. Fr srs.

And if you think I'm over-reacting, watch the video and see what you think.


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