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myOtaku.com: X Shadowme X

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Question of the day: How do you tell if a guy genuinely wants to be your friend just because he platonically likes you as a person or is just talking to you to get into your pants?

There's this guy in my math class who I honestly don't know about. I don't know what it is about him, but he just gives me the weirdest vibes, like I shouldn't let my guard down around him.

And I really don't know if it's just me being suspicious and he's just a friendly, talkative person or he's some kind of manipulating creep trying to build my trust so he can take advantage of me. For now, I'll just be civil and try to keep my distance because I don't know what else to do. :/

Secondly, I got a message from Margaret on facebook yesterday basically telling me she knows everything I've said about her since we broke up because she's been stalking me through mutual acquiantances(sp?) and how dare I ruin her good name by telling lies about her that all happen to be completely true (i.e. that she's a scorned, passive-aggressive, manipulating psycho), how dare I imply that my ending the relationship was in any way, shape or form her fault when I apparently threw away twelve years of friendship for no good reason (no good reason other than the fact that she was driving me completely insane), and basically I'm just some foolish, immature, ungrateful bitch and I need to own up to it and stop blaming her for things that are her fault.

She almost immediately afterwards goes on to say that I'm also a beautiful, smart, kind person with so much potential and she admires/belives in me to this day.

Potential for what, she did not say, but based on the gist of her letter, I'm assuming she means potential to be her lackey.

I never noticed this when we were friends, but she has the most prolific ability to make absolutely no sense whatsoever and still make everyone feel like shit.

I mean... I understand she's pissed at me, but still seems to like me as a person because that's how I feel about her most of the time, but there's so much scorn and rage and self-righteous fury behind her good instentions that if by some miracle we did get back together, I just know that she'd hold a grudge and hold it over my head for the rest of my life and frankly, that's not any kind of friendship I want to have.

So, after crying A LOT and basically telling her to stop being a self-righteous, passive-agressive bitch because that's the whole reason I left in the first place and that I never meant to hurt her or her "good name," only to tell my side of the story, I told her it hurt me to leave her every bit as much as it hurt her to be left (doubt she'll believe it, but whatever, it's the truth), but that I just couldn't stay and be abused by her anymore. I also told her an abridged, sugar-coated version about why I don't want to reconcile the friendship.

Haven't checked my facebook for any response yet, but it'll proably be something terrible and preachy and guilt-trippy that'll make me want to kill myself.

ANYWAY. Just needed to get that out, so if it was hell to read, sorry. If it wasn't, great.

Gonna go get some lunch now. :P

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