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myOtaku.com: X Shadowme X

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Sorry I have not been on in forever. My internet has been stupid... Actually, it's been quite smart, just paranoid. It wouldn't let me put in the new password that my brother installed and the only way I could get it to work was to have him mess with it. Made the mistake of telling him my password for the computer. '-.- I foresee laptopless nights. *siiiigh*

Leaving for Cincy tomorrow at 5 AM. Oh, 5 hour energy drink, here I come!

I've missed you all dreadfully. How are you? What's been happening?

I'd update you all on the daily angst report, but it's really not worth the space it would take up here. Just a lot of preparing for the trip, a lot of worrying about what could go wrong, a lot of worrying about stuff beyond that.... Notice the theme here? lol

jfhefhjfnehe... Took some benadryl (sp?) a while ago. About to pass out and it's only 8:30. XD

Gonna go check Gaia and facebook before I fall asleep. Night

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