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myOtaku.com: Wolf of Darkstar

Sunday, October 24, 2004

i had a long weekend. friday i went to a concert. it was really cool. after i got home from the concert i had to pack some cloths, shave, shower, and reset my alarm clock. i got up at 4:30 on saturday(im not sure when i fell asleep. i just know it took about an hour). went to the base in town got on a bus and went to my training base in San Luis. there i did my normal training. i was lucky and didnt get fireguard saturday night. sunday i was way freaking tired from lack of sleep(no one in my group got a lot of sleep). during the training lession i kept missing parts trying to stay awake. after all the training was done i got on the bus again and went back home. on the trip home we were watching Terminator III. i missed a lot because i kept falling asleep and then waking back up. thats about all i did.

About Me Personality Quiz

Created by jeffq1985 and taken 15313 times on bzoink!

What is your name?Richter
How old are you?17
When is your Birthday?March
What is your zodiac sign?pisces
Where were you born?California..... or hell i forget which
Where do you live now?somewhere
What color eyes do you have?hazel
What color hair do you have?brown
How tall are you?about 6 foot
How much do you weigh?160
What is your race?my own
What is your worst fear?fear is pointless
Do you smoke?no
Do you drink?sometimes
Do you cuss?only if im really pissed off
Do you use drugs?if i get some perscribed..... or asprine
Have you ever or will you ever steal?no
Are you dependable and/or trustworthy?some people think so.
Do you play in a band or play an instrument?i mess with instruments
Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?not yet.
If you had a favorite serial killer who would it be?Zodiac Killer
Do you suffer from depression disorder?hm...... i dont know. i try to stay away from the doctors that diagnose that stuff
If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be?sword fight to the death
Have you ever tried to commit suicide?no..... thought about it though
Have you ever purposely caused harm to yourself or someone else?yes
What subculture do you belong too?none
Are you evil?half
Do you believe that you can be possesed?by what?
Are you a paranoid person?no
Do you ever get jealous of somebody else?no
Are you obsessive and/or compulsive?no. i mess with my friend who is though
Are you a violent person?......... sometimes...... if i have to be.....
Do you take your anger out on other people?if they caused it
Do you blame other people for your mistakes?no
What is your favorite game?Final Fantasy VIII
What is your favorite movie?Gundam Wing Endless Waltz
Who is your favorite band?dont have one
What is your favorite song?Eyes on Me. even though its not rock its still cool
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?whatever interests me.
What is your favorite color?green and black. mainly green
What is your favorite food?dont have one
What is your favorite drink?dont have one
Do you own a pari of converse?no
Do you own a pair of dickies?no
Would you ever kill yourself or someone else?if need be and only then
Are you a virgin?gotta have morals you know.
Are you kinky?no
Do you like biting?depends on what you mean by that. i like to bite my finger when my tooth hurts or if its numb
Do you masturbate?no way in hell
Do you watch pornography?no
Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color?no. my hair changes on its own..... well it did
Have you ever shaved your head in a socially unacceptable way?never shaved my head
Are you hyper active person?when i was a kid
Are you religious?eh
Do you have any self inflicted scars?maybe
Does pain turn you on?no.
Do you stand for originality and creativity?i stand for being myself. nothing more nothing less
Do you like meeting new people?not really
What do you like most about life?hm........ let me think about this one
What do you dislike most about life?................
Do you believe in love at first fright?sounds interesting... who knows
Have you ever pierced a body part yourself?no....
Have you ever had to beg for dinner money?no. i went without
Do you own a car?sorta
Have you been to jail, yet?not yet
Are your clothes held together with safety pins?some should be
Do you have actual scars from punk rock shows?not punk rock shows
Have you ever vomit while making out?no. thats just messed up
Have you held a job for less than a day?no
Do you own more than two pair of jeans?ya.
Have you ever had to fuck stuff up for no good reason?yes
Have you ever been kicked out of your parents house?for a few hours
Have you ever been fired from your job because of your attitude?no. it was because i moved and forgot to give notice
Does the world piss you off?just some of the pricks in the USA

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