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myOtaku.com: WildeOne

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I should say something cool...but it's after 2 a.m. and I've been up since six, so I guess that's out of the question.

Lesse...well, I never thought I'd be joining an art-type site, that's for sure. I've been writing basically since birth, and loved anime since, oooh, Voltron. Yeah, I'm that old. Heh. Drawing though...well I only started drawing this year, and sort of got hooked on it. It's sick how many art books I own after only like four or five months...Well, practice makes perfect I guess!

Oh, and I'm a southpaw, which doesn't actually mean anything, except that it makes me sound cool.

Alright, just say it, enough of the inane 2 a.m. ramblings, Wilde, just go to bed!

Rodger that, Houston. I'm on it. Off to dreamland I go.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

*shrug* what can I tell ya?
Well, I said I was only going to post here when I drew actual fanart. While that hasn't changed, it seems I'm drawing more fanart than usual because I'm covering some buddies' favorite characters for birthdays and christmas...so, I've posted Neji from Naruto and will be posting Ritsu from Fruits Basket relatively soon. Beyond that, who knows?

I haven't really visited theOtaku in ages. Now that I'm back I feel the strangest urge to go about my site deleting...uh...everything. God but it was all so BAD. Haha. Well, I will resist the urge, but I look at all that old art and think terrible things. I guess it says something about progress at least.

Well, I've been up to a lot of things. It would be pointless to list them all, but currently I'm in the midst of creating a fantasy rp site that should be opening up early next year and that's taking up the majority of my time and brain power. I'm also working on a lot of drawings for people for the holidays. Some OCs which won't be posted here, but as said, you'll be able to check them out at DA at the end of December, also Ritsu, as mentioned above...and I'm still deciding on the last one for a really good friend of mine. I'm thinking of trying Kenshin for her. Maybe. I may draw something original too. It's hard to make up my mind when it comes down to it. Well, we'll see.

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Friday, October 20, 2006

OMG. Not Dead.
Well, I've decided I'm only going to upload stuff here when it's actual fanart. And since I really don't draw much fanart at all anyone out there who likes my style/work should check me out at http://denryu.deviantart.com .

Now, I do have a little fanart doodle that I'm going to upload...*goes to do that*

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Sunday, February 5, 2006

   Er...the usual...
Me? Too lazy to upload art? Say it ain't so! But I did upload a bunch of stuff just now. Yay. Joy. And all that junk.
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Thursday, December 15, 2005

   Lazy Bastard
Okay, so I've been a lazy bastard. Scanning and uploading stuff is such a pain! It's just boring, you know? Well, I've uploaded three new things today though--behold and rejoice! Or just you know, look at 'em.

I've been so busy though, seriously. November I did (and won) Nanowrimo--for those of you who don't know what it is, visit nanowrimo.org and find out. So I did nothing but write write write the entire month. I cut myself off from civilization and *gasp!* anime. It was hard. A month with no anime but adult swim. I thought I was going to cry, but I survived it and am a better person for it!

December has seen me starting a series of short, practice comics. My first attempts at my long comic were horrific, they just didn't feel right, so I've decided to do a few shorts to practice and then begin again. As I was only three or four pages into the story, I think this is the best time to do it.

So yeah, I guess you can say uploading art hasn't been a top priority. Sorry for that. I don't imagine I'll be improving any time soon, but wish me luck!

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