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myOtaku.com: Vigro angel

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

   Shoping and the pool
Well,I kinda forgot to tell you about something that happened two weeks ago.After I did my last test,me and Moriko-chan went to a big mall.We wanted to watch a movie but all of the movies started at 5 pm when we got there at 2 pm.So we though to go to the stores that were there,but we didn't have much money and we decided to just try some clothes and take some photos(Moriko had a camera at her cellphone).It was really funny 'cause the clothes that we wanted to wear were guys's shirts.This big sized shirts,that looks so awesome on girls!And when we wore them(without any clothes under)and wanted to take a pic,I went to her dressing room ppl were staring at us.Man,we both started to laugh,and those ppl were laughing too.I think that they thought that we were lasbian.I'll post the pics someday.
And now to something that happened two days ago.Me and my friend Sasha went to a pool.When we came there,the pool was closed!We had to wate for more than an hour!But it was okay 'cuase wetalked about a lot of things while we were waiting and it was fun.It was really fun and we had a great time and more than that,there was such a HOT guy there!!He helped some trainer with a bunch of kids.We both were like he's sooooooo hot!He was cute and he had a great body!I started to drool(not really *blush*) and me and Sasha wanted to talk to him but at the end we didn't.Anyway it was fun!
Few pics for today:

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Chrono Crusade

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Chrono,Rosette and Azmnaria

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Laterz guys,

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