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myOtaku.com: Uotani-chan142

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I have reached a Wonderful decision of making this site model my favorite anime at teh moment! Kare Kano!! It's a story about two people both entering highschool who strive on acedemic success.. One who thrives to make his parents proud.. for he thrives to be perfect in everyway.. and everyone sees him as such!.. The other tries to be a perfect person in everyway to gain the respect and friendship of others.. she is perfect to all and friend to all as well.. they both are hiding in masks though.. the lives of perfection were broken when the found eachother's true identities.Soichiro Arima, freshman, is really a normal guy but noone sees him as such.. and Yukino Miyazawa, freshman, is a crazy, messed up gal who is very sweet adn kind and not all about grades as she may seem.. in a twisted turn of events they find eachothers secrets and fall in love! The broke a barrier and saw the people within!! This reminds me so much of me and my true love.. so i love the anime as such! More to come soon but i just wanted a good recap! Bye!!

98% of teens say "I love you" ... but only 2% actually mean it, if you are part of that 2% add this to your profile.

98% of teens say “I would die for you” … but only 2% actually mean it, if you are part of that 2% add this to your profile.

Friday, December 15, 2006

OK, so i haven't posted in FOREVER..but i really haven't had teh urge to blog for hours...and i'm not going to..i'm just gunna write a little than go to bed..well anyways..there's really nothing going on that's that exiciting..jus teh ordinary school stuff, and so on...i'm excited for christmas! ^-^ one of my favorite holidays, i just don't like the wait, cause hten i have to be away from my B-kun! T.T I LOVE YOU B-KUN!!! T.T ...ok well anyways...that's all..i gues...BYE!

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Saturday, July 29, 2006

Current Events brought to a close...
Hello everyone, I am sorry that i have been unable to post anything up on current events. I have been coming on here very seldom and have not been posting anything! Though i am very sorry for doing so. Well to recap on everything that has happened in the past few months, We begin with my last post, during the school year, at a point where i was my happiest! After such, the school year ended in sadness, as i was forced to leave my friends and love behind, while i wallowed away the summer at home. Shortly thereafter, i began to loose my mind as the summer days went on. Spending time alone at home was spent well, I was doing what any other teenager would do on their own in the begining summer months. After a while, I began to lose more and more contact with my Boyfriend, He had no internet to get onto to talk to me..and his phone line was blocked, so he could not call either. We began to make regular conversations online when he could and i was ok with that for a while. After a while, i went on vacation with my family. We spent time on a lake front far north, around six hours from where i live now in the Twin Cities. The week was spent swimming, eating, and mozying about while trying to not think of my horid summer. After such, when i returned i started my first job. I worked at a local Culver's from my area. I worked for little over a week, and then with mutual agreement from my boss, stopped working there. It was too much when i had so much on my mind. The summer months were slowing down now. Not much had happened since i lost my job, but there was only One more month to wallow in that lonliness that i hadn't even felt during 7th grade. The worst year of my life, in which i was brought down to near nothingness. That brings us up to recent times, Where i have just spent a week in a cooking camp, learning to cook Italian, and many forms of deserts! While doing so i spent that whole week as well at my dad's, since the camp was a day one, I spent those dyas after camp, lying about, playing video games, and burrowing memories of last year into my head, to keep them there forever. Then there's now, perfect present tence, where i sit in my Room on my computer, typing this very sentence, while i think of what to write out next. I am sick though, quaranteened to my room, with giant sores in the back left hand side of my throat. It's a Virus, so it's contagious, I'm not allowed to come out of my room for long periods of time. I've no idea how long it will last, seeing as i am not taking medicine for it, it must be rid of naturally. I can only wait till the Open house at school, or more importantly the first day of my 10th grade year. My joy will be unbearable on that day... I don't think the world will have seen me so happy. To see my friends, and my love, Will be joy beyond joy for me. Well, there is your recap. All those and much more, though very little hs happened since the 31st of May, last i wrote. I hope everyone is doing well, Have a nicer summer than mine.

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