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Monday, May 23, 2005

Well now my foot hurts... I took a big chunk out of my foot and I bent the bone...and now it REALLY HURTS!!! Damn I'm just gald I didn't break it....Now if something heavy fell on it, it might just break. Well now I have to suffer great pain because I really don't want to take medicine at the moment. So I'll just have to grit my teeth and bair it...Ouchies!!!!!
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   'Ello.....*yawns* heh sorry bout that. I've been really tired today for some reason....I thinks it's because of those damned finals...They freak u out to where u can't sleep and boy it got to me last night. We had our math finals today....and I actually thought I did pretty good. Well there's somethin good to hear lol.
Anyway...how ways yall's days? I hope they were good and not as boring as mine....Well I can't think of anythin more to say but if I do I'll add a post... Bye for now

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Friday, May 20, 2005

   Hehehehe I'm at my house while my parents r out at a dinner kind of thing.....can u spell evilness *laughs evily with storm clouds as a background*....*coughs*.....lol anyways time to crak up the music and have an AWESOME TIME WEEEEEEEE!!!!! ^-^
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   YESSS!!!!! We Finally got our year books ^-^....It was awesome... HA only um...*counts on fingers* 3 and a half days left!! ^-^;;;; and today is Friday! Yayness!!
It's really kool because for a graduation present I get to have one of the kitties my b-friend has...They r SO CUTE!!! ^-^ Also I hope to get Flash. It's an animation maker kind of thing that I used in my Tech 2 class and it ROCKS!!
The 3rd Star Wars movie is out and I can't wait to go see it...hopefully sometime soon ^-^;; Now that I think about it out of all the Star Wars movies there are actually 6 enstead of 3....I remeber when I watched the very first three when I was little
^-^;; Yeah my dad, bro., and my bro's friends were really into it...and they still r lol ^-^

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Thursday, May 19, 2005

   WHY DAMNIT?!?!?! WHY?!?!?!?!
WHY is it when ever I turn around I ALWAYS seem to make someone's day shity? WHY?!?! I mean I say I'm sorry but it doesn't even feel like they r listing to me.....well my day crashed and burned...Well isn't this just fuckin great....
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I'm in school right now. I finished my projcet for Social Studiesso I'm updating today yay! ^-^. I also have really great news....I PASSED MY COMPUTER TEST YAY!!!! I've been hyper sence last night. I is really happy!! ^-^ Yup I'm gonna be really happy all day... The only thing that sucks about today is our yearbooks still haven't come in.... there was some misprint or something like that. I really hope to get it soon though...sometime before the end of the school year.
Yeah 'cause there r people at my school who won't be going to the same high school next year so I want them to sign it....Like one of my best friends Neko Kage...She's going to a different high school next year so I won't get to see her as much....and that makes me sad *cries*...ok enough of the sad time...I'm still happy about my computer test ^-^....Welll i'm out for now...gonna go check other peoples sights now WEEEEEE!!!!! ^-^

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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

   Hey all...Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy getting ready for finals. Yuck! Also I have a concert tonight and my head hurts. Tomorrow I have a computer test at the high school to see if I will be able to take a higher computer class when I start high school this fall. So yeah -.-'' I'm really tired so after I check my e-mail I'm taking a nap...*yawns* see u guys later....
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Friday, May 13, 2005

YES FINALLY FRIDAY IS HERE!!!! I'm really frikin hyper today so I'm acting really strange. I love the weekends!!^____^ We also get Monday off. YES!!!! And u know what else.....its Friday the 13th TIME TO CELEBRATE!!! ^-^ sorry my friends and I love to celebrate Friday the 13th. It's fun ^-^. This weekend will be so fuckin awesome!!! Lmao ^-^ man I'm gonna have so much freakin fun lol.
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Monday, May 9, 2005

   Not much is going on today. I felt like shit last night so I stayed home from school today. But I feel a little better than last night....I don't really have much to say 'cause not much happened today besides that I slept most of the day.....It's gloomy outside right now...That makes me feel good. Donno why. It just does...Well hopefully I'll feel better in the morning....
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Monday, May 2, 2005

   I is happy! I had an average day at school, but at play practice it was so fuckin funny I was laughing my ass off lol ^-^. Yeah A dude came running out yelling " I've found the madiens(sp?) slipper!!!!!" Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. Then everyone busted out laughing. Aw man it was great lol. I still laugh everytime I think about it lol.
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