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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

YAY!!! i got my request from Fire Apparition today. THe pic is SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! ^____^ Thank you Fire Apparition!!!
My partner in crime (TehOneRing) came home today! HOORAY!!!!!! Me is really happy today ^_____^
Tomorrow my other buddy Neko Kage is comeing home as well. HOORAY!!!! ^_____^
I have to go to the library today for a poem class thing. I donno know exactally what we're doing but I know we have to make a poem on the computer, or something along those lines.
Friday a couple of mybest budds and I are gonna have a shindig/ party kind of thingbefore school starts. YAY for party!!! ^-^ So much happiness going around. I'm glad because I was in a bad mood the last couple of days, but all it good ^-^ Well I g2g for now. I shall hopefully return later ^-^

P.S. Thanks to whoever is giving me hugs. It really made me feel much better ^-^

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Sunday, August 7, 2005

I rearranged my room the other day. Now it looks spiffy!! All I have left are boxes with stuff in them. I is really happy 'cause now I have a lot more room in ther. I usually have a lot of people trying to fit into my room ^^;;;; Now that I think about it my rooms knid of looks alittle like it did when I first moved into the house. Now that ironic.
Well I'm bored off my ass right now. I didn't doing anything else but arrange my room yesterday, and now it has taken it's toll by giving me bordum. Someone call me! I need something to do or someone to talk to!! *sighs* well I'm going now......

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Saturday, August 6, 2005

Oh yeah I noticed I've been getting hugs lately. Um thanx to whoever has been giving me hugs!

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*stares at the computer screen half asleep* ........*heads hits desk* ......ouch... *sits up again and stares at screen* 7:27 in the damn morning!!! Geez I feel like shit right now....I can't get to sleep which sucks....So bored...Been looking up stuff for the past hour, and that ain't helping very much.
Don't dis the Gir

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Thursday, August 4, 2005

Well the orentation went ok. I didn't really like the way the teachers were talking to us though. After a while I got really bored so I got a ride home with some friends. But I got some really good classes so that makes me happy.....Other than that nothin much else has happened except for the gray rain clouds coming our way. Well I'm gonna go now. See ya later. Be safe!
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Well tomorrow morning I have to go to the high school to get my scheduel and take a tour of the place....*sigh* I'm not ready for summer vacation to be over yet. It wasn't even that long for us....Oh well next summer we don't have to go back until after Labor Day. So I can look forward to something when this year ends.....Um let's see nothing else has happened much. I went shopping for school. That's it I think....Well until next time. Be safe everyone.
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Thursday, July 28, 2005

....Nothing much has been happening lately. I hate the fact that school is gonna start on the 16 of August this year...Grr just thinking about going to school pisses me off.....
Well other than that I've read "Demon in My View" for the 4th time. Hey what can I say, it's a really good book.
*sighs* man I need to do something creative. I can't really post any art here because they won't take it or the damn comp is fucked up....I think I'll write a story. That sounds like a good idea. If yall have any suggestions(sp?) feel free to tell me, or if u want a part in a story just send me some info, and I'll do what I can.......
*yawns* well I'm about to go to bed soon. It's 5:48 in the morning over here. So night/morning. Be safe.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I adopted a cute lil' death fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

Fetus YAY!!! ^-^

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Hey. I'm back. Two days ago I was hanging out with some of my friends and b-friend. We were all at my b-friend's house. It rained really hard that day. And some of us played out in the rain before it thudered and lightning. Yeah it was pretty kool. We got soked too. It was funny ^-^
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Friday, July 22, 2005

FINALLY!! I finally got the stupid background to work. YAYNESS!!
Later I shall hopefully return with news of some sort ^^;;; Yes I am hyper. And boy does it feel great to just let loose and chill out with friends ^-^ Well be back later. Byesss *waves hyperly*

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